Page 386 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 386

374                       Records of Bahrain

                             CONFIDENTIAL                        British Embassy,
                         (19020/1.3/50)                           7th July, 1950

                             Dear Department,
                                       Your letter EA 1905/6 of the 28th June
                             enclosing a transcript of an English broadcast from
                             Tohran about the Iraq Government's intention to
                             ostablioh Conaulateo at Bahrain and Kuwait.

                             2.         The Director General of tho Political
                             Department in the Iraqi Ministry of Foro’lgn Affairs
                             mentioned this to us recently,’- wc a lead-in
                             to another push at us about Iraqi representation 1 n
                             tho Persian Gulf. He said that tho Persian Government
                             had made an approach of tho kind described in tho
                             broadcast. Ho himself regarded it ao "nonsense" and
                             he would like to ask tho Poroians in r oply about their
                             • l'ecognition ofa-territory (Israel) which t ho Arabs
                              considered to be Arab. He then addod that a reply
                              fi'om us about Iraqi representation in the Gulf would bo
                              helpful since- the Iraq Government did not at the
                              prosent time know where they stood. If we agreed about
                              their representation, the Iraq Government might perhaps
                             be able to draw the attention of    the Persian Government
                              to the latter'8 action over Israel.
                              3«        Apart from thio, v/e have hoard of no particular
                              repercussions, and wo are a littlo chary of enquiring
                              further at present since it will only provoke another
                              long speech about the Gulf question. Y/e will, however*
                              keep our-ears open.
                                        Y/e are sending copies of this letter to Tehran
                              and Bahrain.

                                                       Yours over,

                          Eastern Department,
                              Foreign Office,
                                    LONDON 8.W.1.
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