Page 391 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 391

Delimitation of seabed with Qatar, 1949       379

            No. C/1227.                 The 23rd of December, 1947.

                 Hio Excolloncy Shaikh Abdulla bin Qaaim
                                            A1 Thani, C.I.E,.
                                                 Ruler of Qutar.

            After compliments,
                 I am instructed by the Hon'ble tho Political
            Resident to inform Your Excolloncy that His Majesty's
            Government has, for some time past, had under considera­
            tion the boundary which should delimit your Excellency's
            rights in the bed of the sea lying betweon tho territory
            of Your Excellency and that of Hio Highness the Shaikh
            of Bahrain. Apart from any othor considerations the
            operations of tho oil companion in Your Excelloncy's and His

           Highness the Shaikh of Bahrain's territory make such a
           delimitation necessary.

           2.    I am, thox’ofere, to forward herewith for Your
           Excellency's information a copy of a map showing the
           line (from point »H* to the "Bahrain Light Vessol")
           which, His Majesty's Government considers, divides in
           accordance with equitable principles tho soa-bed afore-
            said.  This is a median line based generally on the con­
           figuration of the coast-line of the Bahrain main island
           and tho peninsula of Qatar.
           3.    With the exceptions noted below His Majesty's
           Government will, in future, regard all the sea-bed lying

            to the west of this lino as being under the sovereignty
            of His Highness tho Shaikh of Bahrain and-all the sea-bed
            lying to the east of it as being under the sovereignty of
           Your Excellency,   This decision covers the sea-bod only
            and not the watore above ;lt and is without prejudice to
            existing navigation rights.
                                           / 4. The
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