Page 394 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 394
382 Records of Bahrain
(187/2/49) 3rd March 1949.
P.leaoo rofor to Shaikh Salman's letter of the 3rd
February, a copy of which was forwarded under your complimentary
slip No C/R-56 of the 8th February.
2. The Shaikh has entirely failed to appreciate that
tho division of the sea-bed between Bahrain and Qatar Is re
lated only to jurisdiction over the sea-bed Itself and has no
effort on rights In tho waters above tho sea-bed although ho
was clearly told this in your letter to him No.C/1826 of the
23rd December, 1947. This perhupu la not. surprising as the
Bahrain Petroleum Company failed to appreciate the same point,
perhaps del 1voratoly. 1 should bo grateful if you would onco
more endeavour to explain tho position to the Shaikh, preferably
orally, and make it quite clear to him that His Majesty's
Government'a decision regarding the soa-bod confers upon him
no rights In tho waters above the sea-bed and does not entitle
him to interfere with navigation or navigational marks outside
tho limits of Ills territorial waters.
(Signed) W. It. HAY.
C.J. Folly, Esq., O.B.E.,
Political Agent,