Page 398 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 398

386                       Records oj Bahrain
                                                                     - 4 -

                         ic—u—a—>•  Q)' UajUc*> | ^<*4 V   cannot be regarded no having
                          ^ J-A Cr-o—or*^              boon Allotted to Bahrain by tho

                                        l*-j| j        Order of 1030 and that It rightly
                    qW fy»~ gVI                  c*\   appertalna to Qatar,
                        4*-^} a—J^L—|         jL-^-£r»*  0.  1 on accordingly to Inform
                     tt-teir^Vl yjf i-5^l crV-J^ j-k-dl   Your Highness that His Majesty's

                                 ^i*-*** y^le- o**4 iiA*N  Government after making the most
                               ijl—^»V| j*A—>   ^ U-JI  coroful conaldoratlon of the
                             Ji^sl 18r^—V J     4—;w   objections raised by Your Hlghnoss
                         'CW     ^          u'Z/—^-'1—*•’•?  In your letter undor reference
                          if *1—-J| J J—-U.  3 J l^iP-pl  have found no good rcinoon for
                              ^—fl—** ij------» J—I—;  amending tho decision regarding tho
                             t          VYY*1/  w-----  division of tho sea-bed between
                       o—my j*____ —          ^ n      Bahrain and Qatar which wno con­
                                A A
                            1                   0LJ    veyed In my letter C/1220 of tho
                         M      i            O------- -  23rd December 1947, and I must
                                j l/^L...... J1    j   accordingly ask Your Hlghnoss to
                                                       regard that decision as final.
                     CC$' q' U>~^* 3-  ^“o'j    ,*v    7,     I au once more to point out
                                               , «'
                                        *—tjS*’ j\ji   that Ills Majesty's Government's
                                >*?M <^® y? J*         decision roforo to rights In the

                                                       son-bad only and that navigational
                            ^              *1*^1 o-*   fishing and other rights In tho
                       o-ytu, j * cU      4—up* j i)i<
                                                       w&tors ubovo tho sea-bad aro In
                                                fii*-  no way affootod by It.   The claims
                               iaiU^ ^ oj- a**Usji     of Your Hlghnoss to rights in tho
                         W*-Ui lOb| *>>*** j j—a- J Jl   sea-bod outside territorial waters
                     ,*c_#»y5 i« j|y>   |5jv«          will not become effoctlvo until
                  ^uu-i c4 ru*» v* j                   Your lllghnons has ioauod a oultalilo

                           V*                <UbUl     procloraotlon regarding which Your
                                                       lllghnoaa will bo given advice
                                                                         Usual Ending#

                                                                     3d. C.J.Polly#

                     i,\WI tj         I iJjaJl                   1113 HHXTAfiNIC MAJESTY'S
                                                                 POLITICAL AGENT» BAHRAIN#

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