Page 396 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 396

384                       Records of Bahrain

                                                                       - 2 -
                                                         3.      With regard to the point
                                urp—L*i)         • V
                                                         rulsod in paragraph 3 of Your
                               * r,           OjUJl
                         ... •. /  ,  •< v .             Highness' lottor, it la trilo that
                     iff-T   :                  U3*
                     7 , | ..         '              -—in 1938 vrhon negotiations took place
                                   ku-J-» \HA .U. /)8z.
                          4 4 • ••• I           •    '• 9 botwoon Your Highness and Petroleum
                                      j         » opf fyli (i $.0
                                .        *      **       Concessions Limited regarding tho
                                                         "additional area" a map was propared
                             4—3 * .
                                                         in which a considerably larger aroa
                                                         of tho oea-bod was shov/n as bolonglnj
                          A—* Cr-* JO—
                                                         to Bahrain than that which at present
                                                         has boen allotted to her, and it is
                              &-* *~<4 j> v/^l l*-t~4
                                                         also true that the Political Agent
                                                         was present during the discussions
                         clU       *Ljil
                                                         and thut ho raised no objection to
                           Ui|/Wi4            4-j\ J
                                                         tho map,   This cannot, however, be
                          | ii »w«^ jjjl   * *-»5-jL.^OI
                                                         taken as implying any aacoptance by
                       ^■4                     **i XJ
                                                         His Majesty's Government of the
                                                         boundary then claimed on beholf of
                          i-V—tf l-JUajl J;U-1pJ4
                                                         Bahrain and, in fact, Mossrs.   Potro-
                      Cfipl   J               4ijjo
                                                         leum Concessions Limited wore in-
                      3      • J.'aiiH oJjljJial •!!>/« o\l^|
                                                         formed at the time that if tho
                      fdis £JU ^ J 4-mJL ■»   \ A
                                                         Shaikh of Qatar wore to advance
                          is\ c^l      tflf                                             such
                                               C*"       claims to any part of tho aroa,
                                                         claims would have to be considered by
                              « •
                       JmJ hmtw/v             4
                                                         His Majesty's Governmont with a view
                               3-*«jJii—••V                                      No similar
                                                         to reaching a docision.
                  mj\p ell      Jna*v j
                                                         communication appears to have boen
                        JiU» (u-j4c*   f   j*-*-i j
                                                         made to Your Highness' late father
                                 ^             Cy-M      at the same time, but it is quite
                        • (Jr^  <t »4' JQfmMi C>..I^»J|  cloar that tho mere fact that nogotlf
                                                         tlons took place between the Govern­
                                 Cfrt s?4~^U«            ment of Bahrain and certain oil comf-
                                                         nioo for a specified aroa cannot be
                     • l"•£+ 4j\<St\ ^f+i' V   i>. L-^wi  regurdod as establishing for over
                                                         Buhruln's claims to that area. On
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