Page 392 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 392
380 Records of Bahrain
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4. The oxcoptions roforrod to above arex-
Hio Highnoos the Shaikh of Bahrain la rocognised
no having sovorlgn righto in
(1) tho aroao of the Dibal and Juradoh shoalu
which aro abovo the spring tide low-water
level. After a full examination of the
position under International luw. His
Majesty's Qovernmont are of opinion that
theso shoals should not bo considered to
be islands having territorial waters.
(11) Hawar Island, the islands of the Hawar
group and the territorial waters pertain
ing thereto and dolimited again in accord
ance with tho usual principles of inter
national law. These islands and their
territorial watero are shown on tho map
onclosod by the line A. H, C, D, E, F, 0,
H, I, J, K and L. As this delimitation
will, howovor, leave a narrow tongue of
water (formed by the points M, J, and I)
pertaining to Qatar it has been decided
to alter the line H, I, J, to H, P, Q,
thus exchanging an equal area P I 0 for
l) J Q. It should bo noted that Janan
Island is not rogardod as being includod
in tho islands of the two Hawar group.
5. The points mentioned are defined us followsx-
jQBltlon. True Bearing. Nautical Miles. From
A *152 3,00 N. point of Habadh I.
B 056k 3.20 N.E.corner of Ajaira I.
C 064° 2,06 E.corner of No.3 A1 Wakaraj
D 068° 1.14 ii ii ii ii
E 163$° 1.23 ii ii ii ft
F 141° 0.81 No.9 Bu 8a* ada I.
Q 168° 1.20 ii ii it
H 1694n 0.30 S.E. corner of Hawar I.
1 298s 0 7.31 n it ii "
J 241 4.77 W.corner of Al Ma'taradh.
K 291° 2.36 ii ii ii n
L 324*0 3.38 ii ti •t it
6. Tho assigned positions of (a) the North Sitra Light
Buoy, and (b) tho Bahrain Light Yossol should box
(a) 061i° true 16.20 Nautical Miles, and
(b) 046-*° true 28.06 Nautical Miles from tho
political Agent's flagstaff Latitude 26°
14*.1 N. Longitude 60° 35'.2 E (approxi
mately) , as the positions of floating marks
aro subject to frequent alteration. The
other points on the main dividing line should
be doflned as K,104° true 9.53 Nautical Mil**9
and M, 180° true 18.03 Nautical Miles from the
Trliungulation 8tation No. 102 at Ras al B&rr.
/ 7. I am