Page 397 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 397
Delimitation oj seabed with Qatar, 1949 385
r, - 3 -
gl i>—• the prooont occaolon, Ilia flajosty’s
u. ■1*3 i—«pSL-~i- J. \ X.. Si Government have naturally had to
J-S j e^JU+-a oonsldor tho claims and rights of both
*1—4> J J-X.—5 2 I —* Bahrain and Qatar and have node tholr
L«r—«o_^- *Jt award accordingly.
t yJl 4j\-----,*t 4. With roforonoo to paragraph
c*~l} 4^-w Or** 4 of your letter, I am to pol,nt out
4-4JI" or* to Your Highness that tho long
continuous shoal to which you rofor
jU—i -A*—^ J>—k J—^ stretches the whole way from Qatar to
<jr^—* *—^1 J) 4A —-** ts— Bitrah and that on tho basis of the
i 1 C-ljH-jJI jj.l—
arguments you uao, Qatar could be re
IfJ tAj l—Cr^i 9 cA* garded ao having a better claim to the
Cr*4 ^U* J ck\:J " ^" Dlbal and Jaradoh shoals than Bahrain.
^ i*uSsJI iA! j> .\*S**?^ For the reasons statQd In paragraph 8
above tho Dlbal and Jaradeh shoals have
iL-5 been awardod to Your Highness, but on
. ^ aJI *U—44 ■?*• the principle of equity tho divisions
jb-L—.Jl ^ j *t*»pl of the sea-bod within this area apart
^ Yojnj •te .X from those two shoule must follow a
median line*
e ^Jl 3jl— . o 6. With roforonce to paragraph
?• jS*-* Or*4 5 of Your Highness’ letter regarding
foS’d* 1>-S» fJ — the Island of Jinan > this island was
**0l—*b*Jl i—oU>* ju-i—^ not specifically mentioned In the
ylj5—b correspondence which ended with the
jL-fChj i—* recognition by Hio Mnjooty’s Qovern-
qA-.I—j> Jb*9’ 4r—o—■ raont of Bahrain’s ownership of tho
4-5 tx*\ i-JU jjlx—Jl(y Hawar Islands and as on examination on
3—£)v;*t t* <U—<ai« X kl tho spot has shown thut It lo separate/*
*i>—j jb-—•** 45^ from tho llawar Group of Islands by a
^ y.lj 1— <r—J * J—V deep channel und Is rather part of the
i cr-* Hos Awnln«t All feature of the mainland
*4—'Si t of Qatar than of the Haw&r group of
lolnnds, It has been dooldod that It |