Page 395 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 395
Delimitation oj seabed with Qatar, 1949 303
3 E C R q.
Ho.C/L-161 30th April, 1949
\ 0 ^y* JJi"------
MHA vsv n v* Ills Hlghnooa Shaikh Sir Salman ■
bln Hamad A1 Khallfeh, KCIE.,
liulor of Bahrain.
Aftor Compliments, s »oG>
’ p\g»t ? y?»ul-
wL*u Under Instructions from Hla
.• pi/Wii Wojesty's Government I hove the
jkjIIjvj ^JU *1** honour to reply to/your letter of
tho 19th Safar 1367, on the subject
1t*>r ^ mY >i CJ>U of tho division of tho sea-bed
4 yk j cri^^l *ar? .>^1 (A5 between Bahrain and Qatar as follows.
0*1 i5 •> \> **W ^ • \ 2. In the first place I aoi to
{****% CXt^' <j>—9 jl point out that In making s division
J a* cH’ of tho sea-bed between Bahrain and
w»li3 jL*^> 2.*^ c«ib Ui«i.J
Qatar It was the desire of His
Majesty1s Government to follow
*2>—C* ^ V „£-—J .$ < :V-J| principles of equity, and, had no
^ ^->1 ** other factors been present, a median
2jsJ*V »lx ■■ i»«^..»im«> lino botweon tho Island of Bahrain
\y—*«—" J l and tho peninsula of Qatar would
..L-p o—»-• ■i d__i\ J> havo boon followed. As, howevor,
L~»j~S.—uu-J/%.—j* I VS In 1939 Ills Majooty's Government
recognlsod the Hawar group of
4~>S;lf j|j—■>• 4>—'V Islands as appertaining to Bahrain
J J l*_.. *pi i w jy>y j> and It has ulso boon hold that the
Jttj “ Oj—AJ * cf-i—* od-— sovereignty of Bahrain ovor tho
4 .......? j Diha l and Jurndeh shoal a, is
tt« Vrijii l J l ostubllshod, thoso Islands and
shoals havo boon ollottod to
[*«■< »>V Bahrain although thoy fall on tho
*.h ...gSjl JrwUJl ^y-/> t.^sj U.:* Qatar side of u median line.