Page 399 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 399

Delimitation of seabed with Qatar, 1949       387

           No. C/1227.                  The 23rd of December, 1947.

                Hlo Excellency Shaikh Abdulla bln Qaaim
                                            A1 Thanl, C,I.E..
                                                 Ruler of Qatar.

           After compliments,
                I am Instructed by the Hon'ble the Political
           Resident to inform Your Excellency that Ula Majesty's
           Government has, for some time past, had under considera­
           tion the boundary which should delimit your Excellency'*
           rights in the bed of the sea lying between the territory
           of Your Excellency and that of His Highne** the Shaikh
           of Bahrain. Apart from any other considerations the
           operations of the oil companies In Your Excellency's and His

           Highness the Shaikh of Bahrain'* territory make such a
           delimitation necessary.

           2.   I am, therefere, to forward herewith for Your
           Excellency's Information a copy of a map showing the
           line (from point »M' to the "Bahrain Light Vessel")
           which, Hi* Majesty's Government considers, divide* in
           accordance with equitable principle* the sea-bed afore­
           said.  This is a median line based generally on the con­

           figuration of the coast-line of the Bahrain main island
           and the peninsula of Qatar.
           a.   With the exceptions noted below His Majesty's

           Government will, in future, regard all the sea-bed lying
           to the west of this line as being under the sovereignty
           of His Highness the Shaikh of Bahrain and all the sea-bed
           lying to the east of it as being under the sovereignty of

           Your Excellency,   This decision covers the sea-bed only
           and not the waters above it and is without prejudice to
           existing navigation rights.
                                          / 4. The
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