Page 400 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 400

388                       Records of Bahrain

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                     4.   Tho exceptions referred to above aroj-
                          Hio Highness tho Shaikh of Bahrain is rocognlsod
                     ao having aoverlgn rights in
                           (1). tho areas of tho Dlbul and Juradoh shoals
                               which aro abovo t)io spring tido lov-v/utor
                                level. After a full examination of tho
                                position under international lav/. His
                               Majesty's Government aro of opinion that
                                thoso shoals should not bo considered to
                                be islands having territorial waters.
                          (ii) llawar Island, tho islunds of tho Hav/ur
                                group and the territorial waters pertain­
                                ing theroto and delimited ugain in accord­
                                ance v/ith tho usual principles of inter­
                                national law. These islundo and thoir
                                territorial waters aro shown on tho map
                                enclosed by the lino A. H, C, D, E, F, G,
                                II. Ij J, K and L. As this delimitation
                                will, howovor, louvo a nurrow tongue of
                                water (forinod by the points M, J, and I)
                                pertaining to ejatar it has boen docided
                                to alter the line’ll, I, J, to II, l>, q,
                                thup exchanging an equul area P I 0 for
                                0 J Q. it should be noted that Janan
                                Island is not regarded as being Included
                              • in tho islands of tho two Hav/ar group.
                      6.   The points mentioned aro defined as followsj-
                      Positlon. True nearing.   Nautical Milos.       From
                         A '         OlGo           3.00    N. point of Habadh I.
                         B           056X           3.20   •N.E.cornor of Ajairu I.
                         C           064°           2.06    E.corner of IJo.3 Al Wakara]
                         D           058°           1.14       ii    ii  ii     ii
                         E           163g°          1.23       ii    ii  ii     ii
                         F           141°           0.81    No,9 Du 5a1 uda I.
                         G           168°           1.20       ii    ii  ii
                         H           150JO          0.30    6.E. corner of lluwar I.
                         I           298A0          7.31       II    II II      H
                         J           241            4.77    W.cornor of Al Ma'turadh.
                         K           201°           2.3(3      it    ii  ii •   ii
                         L           324JO          3.38       ii    ii  ii     ii

                      0.   The assignod positions of (a) tho North Sitra Light
                      Buoy, and (b) the Duhrain Light Vossol should bo:
                           (a)  06l£° true 15.20 Nautical Miles, and
                           (b)  046i° true 28.05 Nautical Milos from tho
                                political Agent's flagstaff Latitude 26°
                                14'.1 N. Longitude 50° 35'.2 E (approxi­
                                mately) , uo tho positions of floating murks
                                are subject to frequent alteration,  Tho
                                othor points on tho mail, dividing lino should
                                bo dofinod us K,104° truo 9.53 Nautical Miles,
                                und M,180° true 18.03 Nautical Milos from the
                                Triangula tion 3 tat ion No. 102 at lias ul Barr.

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