Page 400 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 400
388 Records of Bahrain
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4. Tho exceptions referred to above aroj-
Hio Highness tho Shaikh of Bahrain is rocognlsod
ao having aoverlgn rights in
(1). tho areas of tho Dlbul and Juradoh shoals
which aro abovo t)io spring tido lov-v/utor
level. After a full examination of tho
position under international lav/. His
Majesty's Government aro of opinion that
thoso shoals should not bo considered to
be islands having territorial waters.
(ii) llawar Island, tho islunds of tho Hav/ur
group and the territorial waters pertain
ing theroto and delimited ugain in accord
ance v/ith tho usual principles of inter
national law. These islundo and thoir
territorial waters aro shown on tho map
enclosed by the lino A. H, C, D, E, F, G,
II. Ij J, K and L. As this delimitation
will, howovor, louvo a nurrow tongue of
water (forinod by the points M, J, and I)
pertaining to ejatar it has boen docided
to alter the line’ll, I, J, to II, l>, q,
thup exchanging an equul area P I 0 for
0 J Q. it should be noted that Janan
Island is not regarded as being Included
• in tho islands of tho two Hav/ar group.
6. The points mentioned aro defined as followsj-
Positlon. True nearing. Nautical Milos. From
A ' OlGo 3.00 N. point of Habadh I.
B 056X 3.20 •N.E.cornor of Ajairu I.
C 064° 2.06 E.corner of IJo.3 Al Wakara]
D 058° 1.14 ii ii ii ii
E 163g° 1.23 ii ii ii ii
F 141° 0.81 No,9 Du 5a1 uda I.
G 168° 1.20 ii ii ii
H 150JO 0.30 6.E. corner of lluwar I.
I 298A0 7.31 II II II H
J 241 4.77 W.cornor of Al Ma'turadh.
K 201° 2.3(3 it ii ii • ii
L 324JO 3.38 ii ii ii ii
0. The assignod positions of (a) tho North Sitra Light
Buoy, and (b) the Duhrain Light Vossol should bo:
(a) 06l£° true 15.20 Nautical Miles, and
(b) 046i° true 28.05 Nautical Milos from tho
political Agent's flagstaff Latitude 26°
14'.1 N. Longitude 50° 35'.2 E (approxi
mately) , uo tho positions of floating murks
are subject to frequent alteration, Tho
othor points on tho mail, dividing lino should
bo dofinod us K,104° truo 9.53 Nautical Miles,
und M,180° true 18.03 Nautical Milos from the
Triangula tion 3 tat ion No. 102 at lias ul Barr.
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