Page 438 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 438

426                        Records oj Bahrain

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                            L  ,4—1^ <UI 'L—jy I      Inuhu'ullah, bo able to discuss
                                 * j- u 1—5 £-—j 1—'  tbcm ut u lutor dato.
                     —:I    j—^J ^ ^         • 1     6.      I urn looking forward to
                   J—* j I d J-J I   J 1^—-<« O—*   I j—»  receipt of a reply from Your Excel­
                            Jl U-4--J 1 .!>-■ ->-^------^ rj |  lency which I hope will put an end
                    vlTl—\ lA* (j-* IJ U*             to this unfortunate dispute.
                       1            ^ j l-»—. ^       1 trust that Your Excellency lo In
                                                      the beat of health.
                                         • 4
                ^0 U I jls j l*—J J. jJ I j. EjO I yj* J          Usual ending.
                           'cn?       pi* J j *1' KJ |
                                                                 Cp«t. f.j'. reUU,.
                   *     l         I <Jj jJ I                  ll.h.I.i's Polltlcul Agent.
   433   434   435   436   437   438   439   440   441   442   443