Page 436 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 436
424 Records of Bahrain
* l lb^/J l J L^*Y I j I J
jo. No.C/Q-44, Political Agency,
• \r\ 1 j/yi j jU-y | u • Tr 23rd February, 1950.
— O'
His Kxco]loncy Shaikh All
— jh—J l—J—11 <U 1 JL—>fc ^ yjx bln Abdul lull ill Thunl,
I llulcr of Qatar.
flr-^Y 1 j* j J I j After complimentss
L-U o^TXJI I hovo the honour to ack
nowledge the recolpt of Your Excol-
J—^ j Yj Mo* j,\j^ \ o lency's letter dated tho 15th Feb-
i Y runry, 1960, and to stato that
LT —. j—3 jl —I 1 have notGd with pleasure ti e con-
t>—11 *L -'J—tr------ —i tents thoroln und 1 am grateful to
'O—iJ— Your Excellency for your co-opera-
i U «; »J 1 : I .j tlon towards ending the dispute
A O 1 o-
;_1 -i-----I---------------4- 1 /[ between Qatar and Bahrain.
1 2. There Is one point howover
--- L
J .J. ■<> * l i—J j. f- b L^'ljl to which I attach particular im-
o---- -r- < ... .\< ~ portanco and on which 1 must again
i. address Your Excellency. ♦7)ion
3 *iJ■ 4-
- j__I spoi;o to you on the 30Ui of
_ January at Doha, you ussurod mo
that you would withdraw all your
^o. -‘lo’i people from your fort provided
. I would guarantee that no-one elso
*3 V ———<*• —»—.....
would occupy It. I wus therefore
d-dj V l—1 a j—u cj___J* a ..'»»
surprised to soe from Your Excol-
z J •r
'l lency's letter that you hove loft
V>' <r* j
two guards in tho fort, I must
^ Ib-i O ~i'l0\,_Ju* request that those be removed
forthwith und that Your Excollcncy
*o\ ^ 1—^0 U-
inform ....