Page 431 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 431

Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949   419

             o—. j—*- I V j       l £<—; V  Uuhruln nor any of hla people would
                      l—* p j—-—«•!—~ I     of ccurso undertake ony building In
               4 St 1—j ' *j I—(jJ l '*->■ l—  the Zubarah area.  In return for
               I^I l—aJ I g, U o-lj L*a«VI  those prlvllogos, goods In transit

           I* J—J          yJ *   —’ [rJ • p-_/r  through liahraln for Qatar would only
                *1/ Ivb—ii i. l_J I   I J Jl«^  be charged duty at 2#, which Your
             j 1 ■*'<» I o   fz u U. —<»   jJ I  h'xcelloncy will agree la a very con­

                             * *—* I—..^JU  siderable concession.
              ^vJUNy-SS'lJVl L*#l Uj  •r    3.     I am writing now to ask Your

            V •—»■ Ijr-a!/Jo ' L-< ( 1 ) ji: J  Uxcollency forthwith to (1) remove
               j—V^i    L-^rJ 1 j <—h»!^J I  all supervision and Customs and other
                                            offlclnla from the Zubarah area, and
          i—IsJ—5 o I j» ( T)       O
           J —1^^- •* li IJ I ->—l J ^ J >J I  (2) remove ull guards, Watchmen, and
                  4jL-iJ L-t'4   JiJ I o--------  uny other persons from tho fort at
                • J—J L-jt i—>JuLl I vdJ 1,   L-:  Zubarah leaving the fort empty.
                J—u y—O l y     rj 1 j             Please Inform me by return
           * C^ - h-^J | 4 .ft p   I J- ■> |. -Kj l  that you have taken these measures.
                                            I shall then tell the Shaikh of
                     &—J\—* *----
            Jj J   L.«l* *—1Lp~^J   o I *..   |^j  liahraln that ho may let his poople
                             L-JI JujjfeoVi  us specified visit the area.
        <Ui LaU I JJaJLJ I JJ * 1___  ~ l— I  • l  4.  As regards the question of
           ^ Ip Jl      hJ  « o  ‘Vlo-cli   Jurisdiction, It will bo better,if
                                            any dispute arises as u result of
           J I yJ j ^ «*■—■*' u I « V*£*y^ I 1  4-1 i—>ww
        •-l-J cyU <_!_>, ^L^JIJ^Loll J|     this arrangement, that It should be

            L    jii j I.a—< J j. jj I ^ b>J I yj j  referred to myself or to the Political
                      *          j j I      Officer at Doha for decision.
                                                         Usual ending.

                                                       SycL . C. J". Pt&Cy .

             *     I         I iJj aJ I              H.lJ.M’r: Political Agent.
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