Page 432 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 432
420 Records of Bahrain
Translation of loiter dated the 27th Uabi uth-^hunl, 1369
(15.2.60) from II. E. the Huler oi’ Qatar to the Political".-
* , ni;«.nl, Bahrain.- V \ ■' •
Ai'ter Compliments |
I have pleasure to express my satisfaction at xour
Excellency's letter No.C/q-J2, dated the 7th February, 195p,
equivalent to the IBth Uabi Ath-Ahuni, U69, tho contents
of which I have noted.
I appreciate tho. efforts which Your Excellency expends
with*a view to removing the misunderstanding between us and
’ll.11. tho llulcr of bah rain, and Your Excellency's keen interest,
to' see that a strong friendship conducive to the maintenance
of the ancient links of affection and goodwill between the . *
ty/o neighbouring and friendly states is established hereaftur.*;
.Iri fact, we on our part stand for that heart and soul. ' ,
•Y.Qur Excellency's reference that our vital interests In 1 ■
Zwbiirah viz our honour, sovereignty and our material and
.administrative rights will, be safeguarded is a master- to
jjLnpreqise our gratitude to you, though we are already sure
-'•fifat the Goyernment of'Grout Britain as exemplified in your
personality will protect our rights and safeguai’^our interests.
W$'’are therefore trustful of Your Excellency Is mediation and
..'jjghflrm to Your Excellency that wo agree'to the number of
people mentioned by Your Excellency and to the tents and.the
: d.ypi^ies to be exempted from Customs formalities and
supervision, provided that they (the people) afe
J Salman1 s man and'{vis own dependants and * that- none of the
'rne'pibors of the 'few tribes who migrated from Qatar In an unseemly
manner shall infiltrate into them and also provided that
tb« supplies etc. are meant for their ration only.’
. X;*V'o-iter ate my thanks lo Your Excellency for the paragraph
1'ti which you stated that neither 11.11. the Ehaikh of Bahrain
hor any of his dependants would undertake any billlullldg iri’
Zlibarah area. I should add that no cultivation should be
undertaken either.
I have withdrawn my officials v/lio were 1 n the fort -
both the Customs officials and the guards - and there are none
save two watchmen for the fort with the assigned duty to
clean the fort-and nothing else.
I hope you will confirm that the restrictions imposed
on «.<utur will be removed and that 11.II. the Shaikh of Bahrain
will allow to Qutur (tho flow) of J’rults and vegetables up to
demand and to some of my followers who are dependants on me
and whose number would not exceed 10 persons to travel, between
Bahrain and ijatar without any pass.
X trust that this will, be the beginning of a new ara
and Sin ever-lasting friendship, whereby harmonious relations
and good neighbour!limns between the two parties may be
If Your Excellency considers drawing a document in
the manner you stuled - •••hlcli Your Excellency may countersign -
it would be preferable.
Usual Ending.