Page 437 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 437
Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949 425
* di J /U ,-61—
Inform me Unit this has been dono.
^—f O—' Ho-one from outside your country
y/111 occupy tho fort.
o i—* 4 o3 ii •r 3. I sin sure you will agree
with mu Umt this mutter of tho
4_J | — ■»< 1 i. i 4 ■-*» I 0 J—> y i Ja___J ramovul of only tv/o men is in ltsolf
f ) I Ji r j o1 jK- u si null, mat tor and the prosence or
Ww I V ......J 1—■>- J J >r 3 absence of only tv/o watchmen should
v—3 j—i o ^ 4—* V not be allowed to prejudice a set-
’ O—i -3 tlomont between two countries.
—. ^jU O O—*—yi^* ^ J I am sure Your Excellency will
J—zk^jr" dJ J cJj rcullso this and v/111 remove these
• -VL^cr* two men forthwith.
^3 J U--- — yjA • t
4. On hearing from Your Excel
yJL 1—d 1 J—5 I v>i * o ^ lency that these two men hnvo boon
4 J---t J J—U> O If >-J I ----2 l>» removed, I will ask the ohuikh of
y~>J* *£ l—»J I I ** 1 O—*
f bahrnlri to carry out his promise
it e.
that only 2j£ transit duos should
J—i LJU —- f-JLo 1 be levied on goods for Qatar.
JUi A.i___ \\j\
Voj' </* You will upprociuto that in return
J., L * lj for tho removal of two men you are
• o L * rlI <J Y'l in offect receiving a concession
j-j i • 0 worth thousands of pounds.
^jL L.. - ^ dl 6. The other matters which
/ Jl0 J\ Your Excellency mentions, i.o.,
J LJ—11
U' jJlj *~4- about tho ullowonco of tho export
■ZJ- —til of fruit and vegetables from liahruln
onr-hr ^ L-^ A I ‘LJ. to vjutur and the exemption or cer
j*~—L 4. j LJ cljl j_>JI .......j O' tain persons from passport forma
a j—J1^—• i. 1 Xou lities, uro not rolovant to tho
Cri main question, and you and 1 will,
Insha'allah ..