Page 427 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 427
EJJcct of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949 415
Political Agency j
No,C/Q-33. 7th February 1950.
J- litt
I enclose herewith a note on my Zubarah conversa
tion with the Shaikh of Qatar (at which you were present)
and with the Shaikh of Bahrain, and also copies of letters
exchanged between Shaikh Salman and myself, I also forward
you herewith a letter to your Shaikh for delivery to him.
As you will see, I have made no attempt either to give him
guarantees or to obtain his agreement to any special terms.
There has, as you will probably agree, been so much in the
past which hps led to nothing but unfructuous arguments.
What the letter is intended to achieve is the definite action
required from the Shaikh in the penultimate paragraph.
I suggest you hand it to him and press for a reply, If it
is favourable, then please send it to me making sure at the
saipe time that the action required is being taken, If it
is not and the action required is not being taken, then please
press for the'required reply and action, If you have to do
this or your advice is sought, you should tell the Shaikh
that I am not interested in further argument and that what we
want now is tf»t overt and speedy action to end an intolerable
and (for himself) an exceedingly critical situation.
2. You will note that as regards Jurisdiction I havo not
acceded to the Shaikh’s request that Jurisdiction over the
Bahrain visitors should rest with him, and in not doing so
I have of course gone against the provisions of the Qatar
Order in Council. This Is because the Shaikh of Bahrain
would not agree : to’ his dependents, etc. > being subject to
Qatar ..
A.J. Wilton, Esq.,
Political Officer, Qatar,