Page 425 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 425


                         Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949    413

             •i.            jU    iVIjlj
                     ? *11-JI/^-  j j.    No.C/L-61.       Political Agency,
                                                               Bahrain, .
     iru         n j>\rJi»10 • jaW '                      1st Fobruary, 1950,

                               — Ur
                                              Ills Highness Shaikh Sir Salman
            ji-/J 1 J~-»~ piJ VI I ^
                                                bin Hamad al Khali fall, K.C.I.E.,
          — I          yj Ll_«     1 J I
                                                     Huler of Bahrnin.
       ’ f jJ-'-JI —   j5’1'-   c5 '■   •s,^’
                                          After Compliments:
     -f!r-*-^l r.icj     J I j fX_JI
                                                 With referenco to our conver­
                      •f—S'j— fUJ JbUI
                                          sation of this morning, I have the
           v'VT’ 1   1I o—l l •j I—* 'i 1^
                                          honour to request from Your Highness
            V—I ^ L-f     I ^J ^-LvJI IJ.
            -^Ni jj.    J *L.   I p-S'j—  an estimate of the number of people
                                          and thoir description and the amount
         5—llo J—j IJ I u—U J j— 4 » I l(—•
                                          of supplies they would take with them
     5—Jl—^    j J------ jZ j {—^
                                          and bo sent in the event of their
                                    i—» j
                                          going to the Zubaruh area; provided
                  l—-—A? l J.  ■4JMJ J
      p*—*■ iuSn-^i-5 o  £-/l         ' *  of course it could be arranged that
                                          thoy went thoro without supervision
             J—h!/—'O j J o—« ^1 L.^.ft o-—) I
                                          from the Qatur uuthoritios or payment
                y q- 1 j j I j-, V> i oIkl
                                          of Customs to them und thut at the
                                          same time tho fort at Zubarah could
                i 4.  ----1 I---i- 4j 1---J 4---  15
                                          be left empty.
                            • 4.  x; oJ^Jl
                                                      Usual ending.
                   fS^_J rji‘l
                               AJ-*~ p* J J

                                                 H.B.M's Politicol Agent.
          *      I Cjj llx^*J I aJ^ jJ I
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