Page 420 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 420

'108                      Records oj Bahrain

                        Comnunicated to Mr# De'lgruve     9/10/49
                           by Mr. Burrowa

                                The opportunity hue boon greatly welcomed of hearing
                        the vie wo of Hiu ilicluiuuo Lho Sheikh of Bahrain about Znbarah
                        fully presented by Mr# Dalrymplo Belgruvo und Ur# Daliantyno.
                       There lo every doaire on tho purt of II.M. Gover:mont tlmt u
                        friendly agreement ohoulu bo reuchod between Ilia Illghnooa
                        tho Shaikh of Bahrain and liio ilighnouu the Uhoihh of .Qptar
                        and that juollcu ohould be dono to tho rights and oluimu ol1
                        both uideo.   It appears that thin could bo done either by
                        moun3 or un agreed interpretation of the 191*4 agreement or
                        by moans of a now agreement. U.m. Government will bp glad
                        to uso their good offieoo so far au possible with a viow to
                        Booking agreement. While they uro moot anxiouo that.full
                        JuBtioo ohould bo donu to the claims of ill a Uighnooo tho
                        Sheikh of Bahrain, it ohould bo understood that tho offer of
                        good offices dooB not imply that thoy have decided in favour
                        of ono Bide rather than the other or that they intend 1fo
                        impose any particular interpretation of tho 1944 agreement
                        or any particular form of new agreement.
                                It io hoped that recent dovolopmonto may provide a
                        ouitablc opportunity for further progrouo towardo the
                        oonoluaion of an ugroemont oatiefuctory to both purtico and
                        every opportunity of progrean in thlo direction will bej taken.
                        But it muot bo rccogniood .that oomo further delay will uluioat
                        certainly be required before a uottlemont ouh be reuchod.
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