Page 416 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 416
404 Records of Bahrain
1 (/)n/tf)..6Ui .SQptQ!Obpx:.. Vv)/l.Q.,..
Des patched. ..,/U.
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3 rVccioi/^ classification 1 ... Confident iaJL
3. L —'/ «»y I
Telegram to:—
Addressed lo ,P*.A...Bahrain No... 5. d&. . 6th Sept.
P.A. Bahrain.
f ...... ........................... telegram No (date)
'■* —V'-y;’.’...................
£ repeated for informal ion lo..............
A'</&*.N.9.-. ,5.*..........
Your telegram No!.‘3 of 4th Soptemher.
Roftjirtb-;-- •r
2:. ft
5 2.Both the Shaikh and Salih, whom I have
tt M consulted and Abdullah Darwish, who came to see
I rae yesterday-evening and talked about the fron
V* tiers. tribes etc. of Qatar quite uninvited.for
£• ... over half on hour, agree and insist that neither
X . the Mannsir nor the A1 Mo it all visit Qatarregul-
h- arly. They come only when, as rarely hamrens,
the grass is better or earlier than m their
Saudi grazing-grounds. The last occasion on
* which a party of the Manesir came was two years
z. ago, and the Al Morrsh have not come for a much
longer period. The Ajman, they say, never come
P at all except for possible odd individuals.
13. Abdullah Darwish volunteered the infor
1 nation that some of the loaders of the Mannsir
UJ visit the Sheikh of Qatar regularly to receive
presents. The Sheikh and Salih say that the xx
•• ■
O visits do not occur reguLarly, and have no sig
nificance. The Chiefs of the Mannsir or of any
other Bodu tribe visit him or any other settled
iin (flair. ruler periodically to receive presents, and it
is just van old oral) custom.
X' cC&e. ‘
l- Cypher. 4. All three are extremely insistent thdt
z. .. , there is no frontier problem with Saudi Arabia,
Distribution :— that the frontiers are well known to everyone,
•':/ • and clearly defined topographically. Qatar is
the high land, and the frontier is whore the halls
:i. : come down to tho sand and the salt flats. 1 have
not been there myself, but that sounds a danger .
r ously flexible definition to me. All three ref
* use equally obstinately to attach any sigpificanc
M to triball movements whatsoever, and it was only
n after a wealth of declamation that 1 gleaned tins
much information.
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