Page 412 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 412

400                        Records oj Bahrain

                  Trans la 1.1 on.
                     •                  OuVI-liHI.VNT OF ijATAU.
                 •• %
                  Proof A  A11 bln Abdulla bin Thnn.1 , IhOer ofCJ' ^ir. :
                  To w-    His Highnoss 3hnU*h Shimon bin'Hamad j\.\. Khnlifnh.y .

                  After Salaams cJuo to your position npd God's mercies.
                         .We hope that Your 111 diness is enjoying good health
                  and- })oppinoss.   As for ns, wo arc by tho Grace of Ood quite
                  well:;. !  May He hi ess us and w« are grateful to Him for all
                         You are aware that our fa flier (May Ood kebf? him) has
                  reached a. very old ayes and he cannot carry on with his reign
                  anrjj.jie preferred , under such ci rcuns tunces, to abdicate, and
                  tp'.tahe from his shoulders all responsibilities, treaties,
                  undertakings etc., and therefore contacted the High Hritish
                  .Goypynnient about' his,, desire to abdicate in my favour and
                  ;thQ"-(liri ti sh) Government agreed to his wishes and arrangements
                  \yere\made to conduct this ceremony in the usual way on Saturday
                  20 th';.’An gust 19401 col’ respond .1 ng with 2/th Shown!, 13GR, in
                  .the. presence of* the Political Agent, Bahrein, and T have become
                   from- that date the Ruler of Hater and dependencies and T am
                  writing this letter for the information of Your Highness.
                   We-hope that our relations with Your Highness will remain
                   as £ood as desired apd that we will he bound to each other
                   by hopds of love, brotherhood and unity by confirming tho
                   friendships between us in good spirit and by exchanging good
                   neighbourly relations and friendly co-operation in all that
         £be-necessary to hind us both resulting in mutual benefit,
                   prosperity and pi ent’iful ness. May God bless us and guide
                   us -to hoppiness and prosperity to us. our people and our
                   countries for ever.
                   ■> *•>§. This was what was to have been said   and if Yoer
                   Hi ghiiesK is in need of anything we shall be pleased to do it.
                          Our father .loins me 1n .‘•ending, our salaams to all
                   brothers arid Shaikhs .'find sons an-.* family.'

                                             Hgd? AM bin Abdulla a I Thani .
                   Dated 26th Shawn], 1368.
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