Page 410 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 410
398 Records of Bahrain
Political /'t'uicy,
Malim i n
H.B.h'iJ Political > P.ahva in,
presents his comp! imonts to the Pol il.icol
Officer, Qatar, Doha, and forward herewith
a cony of the undermentioned docnmerit(s)
Reference l.o nrovlous correspondence: «|«M-
Mr. JaUins' »S.u.ho.C/Q-16 of 30.
Deacrlptiop Subject
1, Translation or letter dated
21-8-49 from the liulcr ol' Hoi ations
Qatar to tins huler or llahrain. between
Bahra I n
2. Translation ol* 1 otter dated arid ijutnr.
1-9-49 from the Iwlor of Hahvaln
to the Ruler of
September 6, 1949.