Page 408 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 408
396 Records of Bahrain
0,0, No, 666/46 SF. Advisor18 Office,
Bahrain, January, 3.0, '49*
Dear Pelly,
This morning His Highness discussed the Zubara
question, as usual, hut he uppearod to have n point of view
which was slightly different from his usual attitude theroforo
1 am lotting you know what he said.
8. Ho said that the mattor could easily to settled.
All that he wants is thot his and his people's ownership of
their houses(?) and properties at Zubara should be recognised
.by Shaikh Abdullah. lie wonts his people to bo able to live
there as they did before, without interference*, kxAws and they
and he to bo able to go to and from Zubara without interference,
using the harbour and anohorago of Zubara. Tho "Hukum" over
his people. In case of disputes, to be in Shaikh Abdullah’s
hands provided that they were dealt with according to Ohara
and the ’’Hukum" over Shaikh Abdullah's people in Bahrain
to bo in Shaikh Salman's hands, Shaikh Abdullah's people in
Bahrain to be regarded as far as disputes, courts etc. as
Bahrain subjoets and to have their casoo tried in the
Bahrain Courts, Ohara, Tijara and Diving Court.
3* iie added that hu would ho willing to give guarantees
against smuggling or ouch like practices, he said that the
port was the 'nose' of Zuberu and nt present ho was being
held by the nose l.e., by the fact that Abdullah set slaves
at Zubara to prevent people from going thorc who stood over
them if they went there.
4, He olao discussed the possibility of mooting Shaikh
Abdullah, Ho said that the position waa easier since Hamad's
death, but ho still seemed rather uvorst* to a meeting
whether at Hawar or ot sou. He oald that if the request for
a meeting came from Shaikh Abdullah he would agree lut he
himself would not wake the first inovo in thut direction.
Yours sinceroly,
C. J, Polly, inquire,
II.D.M's Political Agont,