Page 413 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 413
Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949 401
Translation of let 1.or No.18dl/1368
doted the <>tli Thi 1 qndl Ih, 1868, (1-9-09), ad
dressed to .Shaikh AM Mn Shaikh Abdullah bin
asirn al Thanl, Hu'l or of Qatar, by the lbil er of
§ ahrain.
After compliments.:
1 received with pleasure your esteemed
letter dated the 26th Shiiv/al , 3368 and I was
'glad to hoar of your happiness and good times.
May God moke them continuous, You mentionod
that your father Shaikh Abdullah has entrusted
you with all his previous obligations and under
takings and thrt he informed II.M. Great British
Government, of this desire and obtained the Gov
ernment 1s approval. 7/n 111a r«U II. M1 s G ovo rnmen t
and‘Its agents who are of support and help.
They'are always helpful to all. We are eonfi-
dent that the hands of relations and friendship
between us will Irisballah remain connected which
will be of benefit, roodness and pleasure for
all . Wo request you to convey our Salaams to
your father Abdullah and to the I rothers and
sons. From here we convoy to you the Salaams
of the uncles, brothers, and sons.
Usual wading.