Page 411 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 411

Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949   399

    ri.s.l lit I on.

                            fiOV is.ail.ii^NT Ol-_' i/i'

             From    a.1:1 bin a1«lu j 1 a. bin Than!  >  huJer or ^ntar.
             To      Ilia Highness shaikh oulman bin Hamd AX Khulifuh.

             After salaams duo to your position and God's mercies.

                   We hope that your Iliwluius»s is enjoying good boa J lb
             and happiness. j»s for us, v:o are by the Grace of God
    well. May Ho bless us anu wo aro grateful to Him
             for all mercies.
                   You are that uur j atiior (May God koop him)
             bas reached a very old age anu lio cannot carry on with
             Ills reign and bo preferred, under such circums bances,
             to abdicate ana to taku from bis shoulders all respon­
             sibilities, treaties, undertakings etc., and therefore
             cont/.oted the High Ui-J ti sb Government about his desire
             to abdicate in my .favour and the ( Government
             agruod to bis wishes anu arrangmerits were made to
             conduct tills ceremony in the it&Uul way on Saturday ^Oth
             jvugust 19*1 V, correspond! i»g with   Ghawal 13 uH, in the
             presence oi the Political agent, babrain, and X have
             become f rum that date the uu l.or el’ «.fcutar and dependen­
             cies anu 1 am v.*vi Liia, this lot tor l'or the ini’urination
             of Your Hi £l in ess. \Vo hope that our relations v.i tb Your
             Highness will, remain as ^uod as desired and that we
             will lie bound to each other by bonds of .love, brother­
             hood and unity by confi mil tig the f r i enb.ihips between us
             in good spirit and by exchanging good noighbourl.y
             relations anu friendly co-oneratlori in all. that vd.ll be
             necessary to bind us belli resul.t:inti in mutual benefit,
             prosperity and pientifulness. bay God bless ns ami
    us to happiness and prosper! ty to us, our people
             and our con tries fin* ever.
                   This was what was to in Vo o«eu said    and iJ.’ Your
            .Highness is in need of an;/tnin0 v/e slu li be pleased to
             do it.
                   uur   ather Joins mo in Kenning our to all
             brothers and bhaikhs guns and family.

                                      wd/- i4li. b.l« iihdulj u al Tbanl.

             bated, ;>(>tb ubavvi.l IjGd.
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