Page 411 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 411
Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949 399 ri.s.l lit I on.
fiOV is.ail.ii^NT Ol-_' i/i'
From a.1:1 bin a1«lu j 1 a. bin Than! > huJer or ^ntar.
To Ilia Highness shaikh oulman bin Hamd AX Khulifuh.
After salaams duo to your position and God's mercies.
We hope that your Iliwluius»s is enjoying good boa J lb
and happiness. j»s for us, v:o are by the Grace of God well. May Ho bless us anu wo aro grateful to Him
for all mercies.
You are that uur j atiior (May God koop him)
bas reached a very old age anu lio cannot carry on with
Ills reign and bo preferred, under such circums bances,
to abdicate ana to taku from bis shoulders all respon
sibilities, treaties, undertakings etc., and therefore
cont/.oted the High Ui-J ti sb Government about his desire
to abdicate in my .favour and the ( Government
agruod to bis wishes anu arrangmerits were made to
conduct tills ceremony in the it&Uul way on Saturday ^Oth
jvugust 19*1 V, correspond! i»g with Ghawal 13 uH, in the
presence oi the Political agent, babrain, and X have
become f rum that date the uu l.or el’ «.fcutar and dependen
cies anu 1 am v.*vi Liia, this lot tor l'or the ini’urination
of Your Hi £l in ess. \Vo hope that our relations v.i tb Your
Highness will, remain as ^uod as desired and that we
will lie bound to each other by bonds of .love, brother
hood and unity by confi mil tig the f r i enb.ihips between us
in good spirit and by exchanging good noighbourl.y
relations anu friendly co-oneratlori in all. that vd.ll be
necessary to bind us belli resul.t:inti in mutual benefit,
prosperity and pientifulness. bay God bless ns ami us to happiness and prosper! ty to us, our people
and our con tries fin* ever.
This was what was to in Vo o«eu said and iJ.’ Your
.Highness is in need of an;/tnin0 v/e slu li be pleased to
do it.
uur ather Joins mo in Kenning our to all
brothers and bhaikhs guns and family.
wd/- i4li. b.l« iihdulj u al Tbanl.
bated, ;>(>tb ubavvi.l IjGd.