Page 415 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 415
Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949 403
Confiden tial. Political Agency,
S.0.No,C/R-364 August 29, 1949.
Dear Sir Rupert,
The Shaikh called on me this morning and
brought up the subject of Zubara.
2. When I last saw him he said that he was
prepared to buy the fort that he understood Shaikh
Abdulla had built there.
3. Today he said he did not want the land, or
oil or anything to do with the Company, All he
wanted was a reversion to the position te-the-pe-
s4t4en in 1936 that is his houses and freedom of
access and for his people there to be free to fish.
In return he was prepared to allow Qatar transit
dues of 2% in the place of the -5, 10 and 15% full
customs dues now charged them, He claimed that
the present moment was propitious for a settlement
of the question.
4. I said that I must have time to study the
papers and discuss with you and asked if he had re
plied to Shaikh Ali's letter. He said he had not
yet replied and so I suggested he should do so in
a friendly manner without reference to Zubara. He
said he was anxious for the closest and friendliest
relations between the two States.
5. I submit for your consideration that when you
see Shaikh Ali next week you might refer in a general
way to your desire to see this old dispute settled.
That would propose the way for a detailed approach
by Wi1 ton .
6. I am sending a copy of this note to Wilton.
Yours sincerely,
His Excellency R.G, Jakins
Sir Rupert Hay, R.C.I.R., C.S.I • »
Political Resident, Persian Gulf.