Page 418 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 418

406                        Records of Bahrain

                              I'crclnn Offioo l.o11; •mu iJo. 030 to lluhroln
                              h. 1 Shull welcome y.jur comments on the uhovo or
                         alternative suggestions. It would be useful if I could
                         have an indication of your views and perhaps of the
                         Sheikh's reactions in time to speak to Uelgruvc before ho
                         leaves on 20th ‘Jcptci.ibcr. lie hus had further letters from
                         tho 'oholkli of Bahrein who no doubt hopes, us we do, that
                         the new ldi'iiuc In gutar will help towurds u settlement.
                              lOopy sent to Middle Must hcoro turiut, ]

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