Page 422 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 422
410 Records of Bahrain
t r — j a. No.C/Q-23. Politlcul Agcncyf
* i r 1 y lii i o ^ Jj-J l \ y o • jj j+sj*- t o 26th January, 1960.
— O' Jl To
rf yl* £p-iJ I ^ J L«-*J I *7^ p*^ ^ I V I 5 His Excellency Shaikh All
----- vJfc-JJ L_xJ| J___Ula^ bln Abdullah A1 Thanl,
Hulor of Qatar.
J J1 j f^LJI After Compliraonts:
* pi j uud-i^ui I am addressing Your Excol-
f on
£.!P I Q-b* Jy^* p* J U—- v-%1* U- I yU I loncy^tho subject of the long sti nd-
ing dispute batwoen bahruln and
I—;—L o— fi—b j-----U • tj L^j Qatar on the quostion of Zubarah.
I o- ■ JI fy*'**i o I l q—J I oskod our friend Saleh ul Konl1
yJI—*J1^——II £-1—Jjlo---- - ----*3 I Lj—S’ to come to Bahrain so that I could
b—JdJ, JI eJ_J c. j----- >j • oxploln the present position to hln.
O • pJ 5— 1 did this as owing to slight in
«—LJ *J—4 j-U-J -----11 ji. Jl disposition 1 have been unable-to
travel to Qatur again to see Your
1 lo IJ-----if Icj5*^J_II Excellency, which I should huvo
£-Jl—Jl £-Jl----£*^UJ J—J'OFJ— preferred to do. However Saleh
0*1 f» Ikl------,ly OJ-£ ■ ■ al Muni1 will be able* to explain
0--—4 I—~CX —?" I—« pi J I*. ,-^.J r£ what we have discussed to Your
....f ^ V J l«J-^ Jj U. L—. j iL—^ Excellency and I shall endeovour jn
j y— "■) I *—J-*- j—JI j L...k> Q this letter to state briefly the
<J—| J—jLj—LJ l y ---- J I f---- 1 l........] I stage to which the matter has reached
(—:"-’>Jo ly—c by and the way in which in my opinion
It should be settlod.
^1—O J---- ^ O ly»—li> 1-4 • T 2. No one wishes that there
0—<y—Ch-ty-J I—is should be hostility and discard
»» I ll.. ..»<1 V between Bahrain and Qatar and this
6— Vj p-^j U-------Y benefits no one} neither Your
Excellency . • • •