Page 421 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 421

Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949    409

                  Record of the discussion with Shaikh All bln Abdullah
           Al Than!, Ilulor of Qutnr, In which were present Mr. Wilton
           and (oxcopt during the discussion ori Zubarah) Abdullah
           Durwish, ori the 16th January, 1050.

           1, Zubarah.

                  The Political Agent stated that ho wished for
           amity between Bahrain end Qatar and said that this was
           impossible us long as the Sheikh of Bahrain was continual­
           ly complaining over the Zubarah question,     Ho said
           that all that the Shaikh of Bahrain «vont.od was the re­
           cognition of his private rights and h1s freedom to go
           there and for his people to graze their flocks and herds
           without 1.t or hindrance.    .Shaikh All mode the familiar
           Qatar reply that other tribes owned other places in the
           past In Arabia, but that circumstr-ncos had changed and
           they hod lost their properties. Ho talked about cir­
           cumstances during the tine of the Turks and of his own
           family having owned property, in Saudi Arabia and lost it.
         i  He Vsaid that the Shaikh of Bahrein and his followers
           wore free to come to Zubarah and bring their animals
           for grazing whenever they wanted and he would bo ready
           to accord them all courtesies and the honour due to them.
           The Political Agent asked him whether tho 1944 Agreement
           did not muon that circumstances in Zubarah were to return
           to the state in which they vere before 1936, and he made
           the other familiar Qatar reply that it only meant that
           they were to remain ms they had been before the signing
           of tho agreement.    Tho Political Agent asked him what
           was the necessity for building a fort in Zubarah.      he
           replied that Bahrain hed built a fort in Howar.     He said
           that ho had no soldiers there  but only his men to look
           after-his cattle.    Ho saJd, when he was asked whether the
           Khalifah had not lived in Zubarah >  that if it. could he
           established that uny had lived there during the last
           60 years, ho could be celled a Her.      Ho said that his
           men in Zubarah were also there to prevent, smuggling and
           unlawful movements.    Ho pointed out that n matt r of
           that kind could not bo sullied in one meeting, and the
           Political /'gent, sold that. it. hud been going on in the
           present way for 6 years and that some sot...] ament; must ho
           reached.    Further discussions followed and no conclusion
           was reached.
                   The Political Agent asked the {Shaikh if the
          )  Shaikh of Bahrein's people might, come to Zubarah.   He
           said they could come for grazing, but that it would be
           better if he were Informed before hand.     Tho Political
           Agent told him several times that, if conditions reverted
           to those prior to 1936, they would not damage him - he
           aa44 there would bo disputes between the bedouin.
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