Page 426 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 426
414 Records of Bahrain
Translation of letter No.489, dated the 4th February,
I960, from Ills Highness the Hulor of Bahrain, to the Political
Agent, Bahrain,
After compliments,
We have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your
esteemed letter No. C/I.-61, dated the 1st February, 1960,
equivalent to the 11th Habi Ath-Thnnl, 1369, in which you were
so kind as to refer to the conversation which had taken place
between us and in which you asked for on estimate of the
number of people and their description and the amount of supplies
which they would take with them to Zuhurah area without super
vision from Qatar authorities or paymont of Customs to them
(provided) that the Fort of Zubnroh would be left empty.
Before anytbingelse, we thank Your Honour for the efforts .
mode by you in mediating between us and in removing the obstruc
tion on the part of tho authorities practised towards us in that
area, and in immunising the fort from the control to which it
was subjected. Your efforts which we and our people in general
appreciate, multiply our Joy.
Your Excellency! tho number of the people approximates
150 to 200 persons with their homes and the supplies amount
to 70 to 80 bags rice or wheat or flour plus an equal urnount
of datos u month. We will, deo voleri'te, write to you in
detail very shortly.
Usual ending.