Page 423 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 423
EJJccl of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949 411
\ -2-
lf.xcollency nor Ills Highness tho
V X ■*—1 V j O' -IJ- ^>6—
o- Ij o-u-----k ai./i Shaikh of Bahrain nor the peoplo
of eltht.r country and It is tho
J jl__I sincere wish of Ilia Majesty's
* j----- i U^J I j 4 j | J------mj | 4 J------ft J. Government that such enmity arid
—» Vo— discard should ceuoe. Instead of
doing so, it is, I am afraid, likely
O 1 J—I « oj-^ 0 ^ 1—-*■ I
Oj j—I I j\j*—^ Ir^ to increase considerably if Your
Excellency doo3 not co-opera to In
1>-"" ^ J cij J ^ Ij —- J l*- .■ ->»
IJI U)j •J_4j____; towards reaching a .settlement.
l—« o—11 o—^A*—U I Should conditions botweon tho two
l J—*—») MU fL-*i—.i Uol countries revort to those before
J_*N| US' the 1944 Agreement (when traffic
^1—1J' & 1* ( Ufi j-JC 4------UuL, botv/ecn tho two countries was vir
■ J jI-.i ■« b j—%S Im tually closed), this would adversely
u affect not only the people of tho
** O-ts -k—^ l V j—*------
U- _S*.*11 J Us U^ j J- two countries but the operations
< .__I of tho oil company operating in
r <y J-
O —— i * *l*j your country. It is therefore )
H o---- 11 J j—--o }—11 jj j j——11 1 repeat, necessary to. reach a set
:o— #,v>—’ • tlement us soon as possible.
I j—-~J I * J—» J—1, I •r 3. buch u settlement should bo
Otj*^ 1 q:-* I —~oo I ••^i--—< a simple mutter. Ills Highness the
JL-*3 —Ji^vJlU V Shalkh of Bahrain dope not clalrn
4. U4 l * J—f" ^ I u—i* sovereignty over Zubarah or any
V-J U>w V -uj'lj U5VJ*—i other port of Qatar territory, nor
2 jU, l>——*»- LS ^ does ho claipi rights to oil .or .any
other material therein. lie merely
4 w*-*£ t * Lv—i j—i>j \jj—*" I
r*~ Ij—< lVij-----^iol wishes to send his depondonts.with
Oloi. L— O'—J I l_y—* their flocks for grazing to the
Zubarah .. !