Page 424 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 424

412                       Records oj Bahrain

                                      - r -                           -;>-

                        Oj    J—*•   I o—. *----- fj I j—«   J  Zuburuh oroo without supervision
                       j-t'l I .Ij-sSIIj                 from anyone and without the imposi­
                         .         *y 'j—* j_^           tion of Customs or other controls
                                         jL^JIcjIT US*   on such peoplo, os wos the custom
                                I |j----q*.              in-the past,   An arrangement to
                          enk J—• cstsi j-+ Oi. *A—^ cni ^—-<  allow this is a oiraplo mutter bet­
                     }jy                   -----r* J-----1* j  ween th« two friendly Arab States
                          o »Jj Vlj ot—*—■Mj ^j—         and such arrangements exist botweon
                         3—j- *J 13 . 53. J |j 3_  ■r o—•  Kuwait, Iraq, and Jordan on the one

                              I »■}'>• O-----*J j    I   hand arid Saudi Arab Jo on the other,
                      i—1      J—j l—{Ul J l—J           where tribesmen wan dor freely bet­
                           L_a ^ J-JI o—l j - ^   IO^—<  ween the to countries who are
                                     J—** ^   oLJ jJL,   parties to such arronfoments.

                            Jr     10 • J* 0J )     j    1 hope therefore that Your Excelloncy
                               * j-—Wi      IJ-ft        will give the deepest consideration

                      j UaJ 1J ^/^) yi. .—.J 1 ij J—JUf J L-J ^ I J  to this proposal und will tako the
                            Vo          —J JU^JIo~*      advice of responsible and sensible

                       f* 'Ll ^ I !v-‘lrO*               persons in the uiutti r and will not
                              Jj—J1—3 L** t« o^ *aJ I^ 3. ^r.ow,r.l I  be influenced by those whoso opi­
                               ;“1 J : O J—V (—4J 1—*    nions are 'bigoted, and who, what­
                               fj-iJIoi 1   —l-fj—^O-------  ever thoy may say, do not wish in
                                                         their hourts for  a- settlement.
                       O V1 o i ^ I o I JL-i^ J  i 'J/’VI Tho day for listening to tho opi­
                                                         nions of such parsons has pussod
                                           mJ-*—k? O L-f  und it is now time for more roason-
                       l—j U—j jJ I o IJ* *j I tji; I  • i  able counsel to prevail.
                      O"4y         I L«J          ViP 4.        I hope shortly to visit
                           V 41a* oA~ J->- JI JI ^       Your Excellency und to discuss this
                 3 jjj>* 3 js-«»   ^ j o I o-i ^4; 1     matter further with you and then
                                  jUc-J ^ju I j.L*J j    to reach a favourable settlement
                                  *OV—x;>^ ji* Jj 3.JUUJI which will ho fair to both sides.
                                                         1 trust Your Excellency is in til©
                                                         best of health.
                    ••••1       i: & ■            £                 Upi^il ending.
                    M:-   . v-                                      Sgd. C.J. Polly

                                       lib .*ft          • .»v<:  }It0.M«a political Agent
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