Page 419 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 419

Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949   407

       (E 10990/100!|/91)                    FOREIGN OFFICE, S.W. 1.
        CONFIDENTIAL                           12th October, 1949

             /       H—7  ,
                 Will you pleuoo refer to your telegram No. ij-16
            of the 8th September about Zuburah?
                 We had a talk with Bolgrave on the 15th 3optomber
            and I opoke to him on tlie linco of the Aide Memoire,  a copy
            of which I enclose. At Belgrave^ request I gave him a
            oopy. I also told Bolgrave that it would be very uaoful
            If we oould get the Sheikh to stop talking in a vague
            manner of hia ''righto" and give us informally some idea
            of the real essentials of his cuae and of the practical
            facilities which he wants.
                  Regarding purugraph 2 of your telegram under
            reference, I agree that the private or tribal rights are
            vague and that wo ahould not yet commit ouraelvea to the
             Sheikh of Bahrein ubout their existence,   Nevertheless,
            some vague righto which might be likened to the rights
            which Bodouin, completely unfamiliar with notions of
            territorial sovereignty and artificially drawn frontiers,
            claim in moving across desert frontiers, seem to havo
            existed, and v/o should try to ascertain as dourly as wo
            can Just what they amounted to and how fur it is reasonable
            to try and seoure their recognition by the Sheikh of Qatar.
                . It would be very satisfactory if v/c could achieve a
            settlement of the' Zuburah dispute which would satisfy the
            Sheikh of Bahrein but conserve the reasonable righto of
            the Sheikh of Qatar.    The Shaikh of Bahrein has made it
            clear that lie claims no extru-torritorial righto and we
            must hope that some fuce-uaving device, which ho will be
            able to parudo as meeting his claims, v/ill make a
            settlement possible.

                                   [frj.) /is-6 fl.

                                            (B.A.B. Burrows)
 ioutenant Colonel,
  Slr Rupert Hay, K.C.I.E.,  0.8.1. ,
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