Page 417 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 417
EJfcct of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949 405
IS. 7611/10^/91 vjV> i * .. ..U
no, 330
3rd tieptember, rj4(J. D. 4.10 p.m. 3I’d ilcptcidbcr, 1040
Your letter llo, 163/10/40 of lllh Juno [Zuburuh].
Cubjeot to your views I suggest you tuke advuntago
of your visit to Qatar to sound the illicikli over Zuburah.
A settlement Y/ould be in his interests as improving
relations with the Cholkh of lluhrcln and perhaps
preventing exploitation of friction with tho latter by
olcmcnts in Qatar opposed to the hoy/ UlicilUi,
2. Conclusions rouched in our discussions hero v/crc:-
(1) In view of tho consistent loyalty and good
behavious of the 6heIk 11 of J)ah.rcin we should do all v/o
properly can to remove his sense of grievance.
(2) The 6hclk.ii of iJahrclu cluiius no extra
territorial rights and recognises Zuburuh us v^utur
(3) lie bus undoubtedly some private or tribal
rights in Zubaruh v/hioh local custom would udmit though
they may be contrary to modern idcus of territorial
(4) We could not impose an interpretation of
tho 1P44 agreement favourable to him but could use our
good offices to secure uu ugreed interpretation bctwcou
the tv/o 6hcilchs.
3. 1 suggest u solution might be sought uloug tho
lines of the Sheikh of Qutur agrocing to give a bluukot
permission, perhaps for ccrtuin specified members of the
ft! Khulifu family, to visit the Zuburuh urea. If purely
right of visit is involved, perhaps exact definition of
ftiea need not mutter greatly. We would, for our part,
try to ensure that the Sheikh of Jluhroin did not abuse
such u permission. Perhaps some compromise cun be urrunged
over the Zubaruh fort though I know you consider the Sheikh
of Qatar is fully .justified in maintaining the garrison.
If you agree, you might discuss tentatively with the 6hcikh
this or any other proposuls you muy have.
/4. I shall