Page 430 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 430
418 Records of Bahrain
* I yl 8a-/J I J kstV I j I j
vt_r//^ JJ--------- x No.C/Q-32. Political Agency,
ir'i n yjfcJl^ 'A 7th February 1060.
._JI To
3 J l*—,M) I pAi V I V I i His Kxcollency Shaikh All
P 5* l> _ 1. .1) I <1J I jL.t ,^Jc ^>»tJ I bln Abdullah A1 Thunl,
■fj5— lluler of Qatar.
j. I ^ ai: j ^ J I^J I j j.^LJI After Compliments:
I have the honour to refer to
i_—1*1 —iJIyJ our conversation which took pluco a xhc
y—1 {_?(—*• I u—i* l—o^->-y —^I week ago at Doha und to say that
c. .->b J—J y—JJ l—< Jj—> 4—>2 j—II 1 noted with groat ploasure thut
oM lj ^5lj j U— o l—<J—i \j J J Your lCxcollency agreed to_a specified
lo—• JJ—** J J—j» ijL-J number of the dependents of His.
4-w>.l—£t-----lj--» ... Highness the Shaikh of Uahraln vislt-
Cj----- £l| JIJ---- >* Vi j L-^j ing the Zuburuh area for grazing etc.,
Ol jO—»j -\J li-til without supervision from anyone ond
4-jf^4>J | C.L.e« , ->113—ij-* I,—; j-£-i o 1 without being subject to Customs for-
3 J 1 ■< ... ^ 11 - o—1-*dj j ^ inalities, provided that Your Kxcol-
3—j J I—»J I p 5s j l*—.. jj—1> jvJj -j loncy's sovereignty,_honour nud
d^-_s o—J—°j 3—' l—<*• 3j I—J y —* material rights In Zubngah. ere safe
u—r y 4. - -■* ) L> L—J 4...... W.lji guarded^*, and at the same time to
-fi O I*---- *j-JI leaving the fort at Zuburuh empty
JI 1-4------ l - »t V^ I provided it is guaranteed that no
• Jl j- I one will occupy it.
JVI Oy I—£5 Jl_U • 1 g. 1 have now consulted His
y**-*-lf ^ J—JI O—ts -----i Highness ithe Shaikh of Uahraln, who
»i . * VI J & I—* Informs me that the number of people
-V i. ij—i he would wish to sond to Zubarah
o^J l<yv—i-L* y.J^_4jlj amounts to about 160 to 200 persons
y—-Jlo *y^\) f-4* !-£•*•£—* j~1j L-4 with their tents and tho supplies
I 0^1 1^—IfS l V Jl_j| J—*mym he would wish to 3end them uniount to
4—U^»Jlj —• I------lyv'I—I 70 to 80 bugs of rice or wheat or
1 | li I—oj IJ I flour plus an equal amount of dates
*—’ Iy—4iJfJIo—• j *^4-1 por month. Neither tho Shaikh of
utu ^ * V Uahraln ••••