Page 407 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 407

Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949    395

            •CONPIDBNTIAJ                             POLITICAL AGENCY,
           ga.Q.^to/h-49                                     D AH HA.IN
                  •S'                                 Dated Slot January 1949
      ■ :• ■& • # •
         . ;£:Dcu,r .gl;j,y Ruperti
           •v.-  Jy*   1 told you thiu morning that I v/ould lot :j|qu huvo a
             copy cj^'Bel grave* a luoT.t qemi-offici&l letter to md about
           j.yZuburaft j utiu .1 now cno^oae it. I think you v/ill agree that
      ;V                                                                     \ •••
      ■ r . •  i. thqro'\ip really very. ttlo difference in the iihuikh'y demon da
      •'ll  #v-                    -A '                            ' -■ ..
           •o;.and ho!doeu NOT, ao I thought when f irol road ing.' merition
        : , ' " '
                             iodigtVjn .in the 'Zubarah urea' though he*does
      '„ex tra-terri t^rjul righto over hi e-pub joe ta - in fact'
              '                   ' %p ;•    '   . !                          *
         :x i||vJhe^of a to cede them.' I aluo oriel oqe it copy of-Belgruve1 a
                       and a copy of the latter to which it virus •the reply
      v:   f^’.and yi$j[.ch y'uu iauuud in accordance with your Iputruetiono to
      •if i'. '■•!'iK’’’' ■   ■• 'llijif:   . • ■   • . •)■
      faf/C*•^V'yQ.yr/'^mpiimonUtvy ul ip No, (EOG/*l/4B) dated Lin.* USrd December
      ^i ^ H^ve I,ot yetjjjiad the time to quoution tho Shaikh uu
      :   it °      . h eha o in mind; for the appo in Uiuu t of a representative
      'V'::v8|'{n?Loh’dpn to. deal with'the Kprcign Office.  I ouppooo v/q v/ill

      ■*'. • ba-YG let him have hio . roprooontat ivc, bul. would like to
      \ 1$!$• /■
      .•.vvV: .if.G^amiqe. h un further before nuking a recommendation.
      •   • ,;4;   .« ? vf
       •••'•   •                               Youru sincerely,
                                                     oil/- C.J. Polly

      Ui0..1i$bcllcncy Sir Rupert Hay , KCIE,, CSI.,
          * ;•    Political Reel dent, luruian Gulf.
      • •
       ■   ;v-     •v        BAHRAIN
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