Page 445 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 445
Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949 433
Translation of letter dated the 16th Jamodah Awwdl,
1Q69, (5-3-60) from Ills Excel! ency the Ruler of Qatar to
tile Political Agent, Bahrain.
After Compliments:
I thank Your Excellency immensely for Your Excel
lency's esteemed letter No.C/Q-44, doted the 23rd February,
1950, equivalent to the 7th Jamndoh Awwal, 1369. I ap
preciate Your Excellency's efforts for removing the misunder
standing and for settling the dispute between Qatar and
Bahrain with a view to promoting friendship and good neigh-
bourllhood V:etwoen the two parties - a matter for whibh you
deserve profound thanks.
' I wish Your Excellency will not that I am very par
ticular to fall in line with H.M's Government desire and
whqt appeals to you, irrespective of the difficulty that
might confront me in the matter. And in compliance with
Your Excellency's wishes and in prospect of the pleasure of
H.M's Government. I agreed to vour reauest and withdrew the
^^n-fFoiFtho’War' i"wilT'a5t"oTlnitrUrt^~rni5
Excellency the Political Resident and hope that conditions
will assume stalility arid the bonds of friendship between
us and our friend, His Highness Shaikh Sol man, will Ve re-
comented and the relations between Qatar and Habraip im
proved . I hold much hope that I will win Your Excellency's
appreciation and the admiration of H.M's Government by my
having agreed to Your Excellency's suggestion, feeling con
fident (in the meantime) that my sovereignty will be res
pected and my interests and material rights safeguarded.
As regards the other matters which Your Excellency
stated that you would discuss with mo at a latfer date, lot
it be os you suggest, os 1 confide in all of your sayings.
Usual ending.