Page 449 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 449
Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949 437
Political Agency,
20 th March, 1950.
tJUsC* '
Many thanks for your letter No.11/14/50 of 5th
Murch for which 1 hope I thanked you verbally when I saw
you at Doha on the l?.th and IfJth of March. Yoi/ deserve
great credit for your help in solving this long-standing
and chronic problem.
2. I have heard Shaikh .Salmon's version of what
happened whan he sent Shaikh Mubarak bin Hamad etc. over
to Zubarah,and you and your party met them there and lie
is very pleased at the result. '
3. About the concessions asked for by Shaikh All:
(1) What exactly does he want done about "allow
ing the flow of fruits and vegetables" from Bahrain?
(2) Can you get from Shaikh All and .let me know
the names of tho ten persons whom he wants to be allowed
to visit Bahrain at any time without passports?
1 do not. anticipate difficulty in gel.ting these
concessions when I know exactly what is required, As
for the P./i Customs privilege, Belgrave tells me he is
going to issue orders about it to-morrow.
4. I enclose copies of translations of my letters to
the Shaikh and to Saleh, Please hand the originals to-
5. Shaikh Salman has promised inc that none of his
people will do cultivation in the Zubarah area and you
may assure Shaikh All of this. The position Aow is that
I am waiting fur a list of the people whom Shaikh Salman
intends to sond to the Zubarah area and I have told him
that I should have it and bo able to let you have It for
the information of Shaikh All before tho people set out.
A.J . Wilton, ICsq. ,
Political Officer, Qatar