Page 451 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 451


                        Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949    439

                                 Tro nsl ut ion.

                      We, Sulman bin llmniicl Alkhallfah, luilor of
               Bahrain, order the enactment of the fo.l lowing law:
                      From the date of this proclamation, viz.,
               1st Jamed Al Thuny 1369  j
                       1.  Our order contained Jn Proclamation
               No.28/1368 dated 21 si. Jamad A.1 'J'liany 1368, on
               tho subject of travelling to Qatar, Is horehy
               cancelled.    There is therefore no objection to
               our subjects travelling to Qatar.
                       2.  None of our subjects may proceed to
               Zuharu wJibout first, as in the past, receiving
               permission from us.
                     this be* known.
                                     ,'iulnmn bin Hamad alkhalifn.

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