Page 455 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 455


                        Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949    443

           two countries who are parties to such arrangements."

                  In the teller that* when H enwe to writing it
           mis bettor| like Hitler, to make my demanda one by one,
           I said nothing about tho fort nor the Bahrain alalia to
           properties in Zubarah in this letter,     I asked Saleh
           al Haul1 to deliver it and to try to got shaikh All to
           agree to the roquost made therein and furthermore to try
           to get him to remove his guards from tho Zubarah fort.
           I had hopes, which were not disappointed, that Saleh cl
           Manl1 would use his best endeavours to persuade his
           Shaikh in order to furth*r a settlement olnco I knew
           that he had become anxious recently, for onds which are
           not yot cloar, to plcaoo tho Shaikh of Bahrain,
           6.     Having given tiuio to Saleh al L!anl' to produce
           a receptive state of Blind in the Shaikh of Oatar,
           I again visited tho latter on tho 30th of January.
           Abdullah Darwish ami Bui eh al Mani1 were present at the
           interview.   The Jhalkh 3ald that the Shaikh of Bahrain’s
           retainers might come to the Zubarah nroa without being
           subject to Customs or any supervision provided they wore
           "specified" and tl :t they should bring supplies only
           for their own personal use and not for sale, and that
           no Qaturis should shore this privilege,     They should
           make no trouble and should come under tho Jurisdiction
           of tho Shaikh of Qatar     He wanted a guurantoc that
           his "sovereignty, honour, and material rights and ad­
           ministration In Zubarah would bo safeguarded",     he
           would open tho fort there, and leave It empty, provided
           that 1 guaranteed that no-one would occupy it. ‘ Bahrain
           should revert to £>'• transit duos for goods for Qatur
           and should allow freedom of movement between Bahrain end
           Qatar,   Shaikh bnlman should build nothing In the Zubarah
           ?.    . On the 1st of February 1 had the usual lengthy
           (In this case two hours) interview with tho .Shaikh of
           Bahrain on this subject; und 1 told him what lihnilch All
           had said.   Though 1 thought X had como with something to
           offer him, Shaikh Salman was on this occasion hardly more
           accommodative).than he usually was when discussing this
           question.   I ultimately persuaded him into promising
           me that he would let me have u list of persons whom he
           wished to sand to zul.uruh provided they would bo froe of
           supervision and Customs, and that tho Fort would bo kept
           empty. lie sold that Jurisdiction ovir any people of ills
           who would go to /.ubureh should rost olthc-r with him or
           with the political authorities. Only aftor difficulty
           did 1 get him to give up Insisting about hla right to
           "properties" in Zuburah - a point on which the Shaikh of
           Qatar remained udamant.
        ,  8. On the 4th of Fobruury, tho Shaikh of Uuhrain wrote
           to me stuting that, tho numbor of people he would like to
        1 sand to Zubarah amounted to some 160 to 200 persons with
           their tentu and that they would bring In supplies about
           70 to 80 bogs of rlcu or wheat or flour "plus an equal
           amount of dotes" pur month.                                                   i
           9.     On the 7th of Fobruury I wrote to the bhalkh of
           Qatar informing him of the number of people whom tho
                                                      Shaikh of • « « •

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