Page 457 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 457

Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949    445

           of Your Excellency's mediation und confirm to Your
           Exoelloncy that we agree to tho number of people men­
           tioned by Your Excellency and to the tents and the
           supplies to bo exempted from Customs formalities and
           superviolon, provided that they (tho poopjo) aro Shaikh
           Salmon's men n niTh is own^dei)oncVeiits und that none of the
           members of the fow tribes who migrated from Qatar In
           an unsoomly manner ahull Infiltrate Into thorn and alco
           provided that the supplies) etc. are meant, for thoir
           ration only. I ro-lterate my thanks to Your Excellency
           for'the paragraph in which you stated that neither Ills
           Highness the Shaikh of bahruln nor any of hie dependents
           would undertake any building In Zubarah area,      1 should
           add that no cultivation should be undertaken thero.

                   I have withdrawn uiy officials who wore In the
           fort - both tho Customs officials and tho guards - and
           th^re are none save two wutcluasn for the fort with the
           assigned duty to clean tho fort and nothing else.
                   I hopo you will confirm that the restrictions
           imposed on Qatar will be removed and that 11.11. tho Shaikh
           of Bahrain will allow to Qatar (tho flow) of fruits und
           vegetables up to domund and to some of my followers who
           are dependents on me end whoso number would not exceed
           10 persons to travel between bahruln und Qatar without
           any pass."
                  The fact that, at this time 1 instructed Wr.
           Wilton to withhold delivery to the Shaikh of 76 rifles
           and 70,000 rounds of ammunition which he had bought
           through us and paid for, and thereby caused him, ostensibly
           at any rate, great offence may have had something to do
           with hia compliance - but X doubt it.

           12,     On tho 22nd of February l saw the Bhuikh of Bahrain
           and ohowod him the Shaikh of Outer's reply,     As I expected,
           he objected to (1) the leaving of the two watchmen in the
           fort, and (2) the condition made thut "none of tho members
           of the few tribes who mi,.rated from i;atur in an unseemly
           mannor shall infiltrate" amongst the people to be sent
           from Bahrain to the Zulu rail arou.
                  To my surprise lie objected moie strongly to tho
           first condition than to the second and after tho usual
           animadversions on the porfidyand untruatworthineaa of tho
           Qatar people ho asked mo to write to the Shaikh of Qatar
           asking him to leave the fort empty. Ho did not strangely
           onough ask mo to write to the Shaikh regarding the condition
           about the "non-infiltration" of Qatar tribes who had mi­
           grated from Qatar etc.    Actually ha talked about this
           condition os if it rnornt that no tribesman     .\
           sidin'- in wot nr now  should mix with his people going from
           Bahrain to Zubarah.    what tiie Arabic does mean is as stated
           in tho translation, i.o., none of tho actual people who
           had migrated from Zubarah should return there. Tho
           reason (I have discovered from Mr. Dulgrove) for tho
           Shaikh's purposeful misreading of this stipulation is
           thet it now sot-mo that fow of the people who migrated
           from Zubarah and, whomtho Shaikh lias always described
                                                   as yearning
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