Page 460 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 460

448                        Records oj Bahrain

                     thelr precursors have done, then thoro r>ooua to bo
                     little fear of trouble,     In any case it la bettor to
                     take tho rick then to prejudice the settlement ao for

                     18.     You will remember that X woe inclined to hold
                     back from waking those efforts when tho Shaikh of
                     Bahrain seemed to bo trying, in effect, to force our
                    ' hand by imposing an embargo on th« use by Petroleum
                     Concescions Limited of their pier at bitruh.      Your
                      Excellency was however of the opinion thut on effort
                      should bo made and tho embargo was in fact lifted before
                      It really was made.    Whether Shaikh Salman will con-
                      sldor that it’s buccqoc so far is due to his action
                      against Petroleum Concessions Limited and v/ill use
                      Similar tactics to further other demands in future,
                      remains to be seen.
                     '19.    It 1s too early to declare thut tho Zubnrah affair
                      has boon settled.    Una may porhupn hope, however, that
                      the tihalkh of Bahrain will remain for a time content
                      with the concussions he lias achieved, that his people
                      In Zubarah will not clash with tho Qataris, and that
                     . he will not ultimately raise, in an insoluble form at
                      any rate, questions of proprietary rights, jurisdiction
                      and sovereignty in the area.    However inuoh those are
                     • kept in the background when it Is politic to do so, it
                      Would bo u delusion to imagine that, in those days of
                     '/oil’and of consequent frontier definition, our Shaikhs
                      are not fully conscious of them,     Thin was made very
                      pleur to wo when I told the Shaikh of Abu Dhabi of the
                      settlement so far reached and ho enquired us to who was
                      now sovoroign over Zubarehj when I mentioned tho subject
                      to Colonel Gulloway, who had much experience of dealing
                      with it, he made a characteristically cassendra-liko and
                      vague judgement* to the effect that It was doubtful
                      whether any good would arise from "letting the Bahrainis
                      go back to Zubarah".    It is clear enough at any rate
                      that a source of potential trouble exists where Arabs,
                       the subjcctu of one iJbaikh rub shoulders on land with
                       those of (mother with no defined frontier nor strong
                      administration dividing them.     Tho risk is there however
                       In any settlement.
                       £0.    1 would like to conclude by convoying to Your
                       Excellency my sense of appreciation of tho great help
                       given by Mr. V/llton, the Political Officer, Dohu, und
                       by Saleh ul Want' in bringing about such settlement ae has
                       boon achioved so far.    Without such help it would huve
                       boon impossible.

                                                I liave the honour to be,
                                               Your most obedient servant,

                                                     Cgd 6-J. PtXtKf.

                                                    Political Agent.
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