Page 465 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 465

Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949   453

                   Confidential,               Political Agency,
                   No.C/Q- Uhl .                16th Juno, 1950.

                   Dour V/iltonc
                              y y
                           I/V/as interested in your  lettors Nos.
                   1/23/50'and 1/24/50 of 3rd and 5th June, res­
                   pectively, about the return of the Na’ira and
                   othor "unseemly ones" to Zubarah.     I ain in-
                   clinod to agree with you that their return may
                   present a problem - a problem which did not
                   exist in Saudi Arabia becauso whatever one say3
                   about the "Government" there (and as you know
                   one can say a very groat doul) it can atleast
                   control the bedouin.    With a strong police
                   force and his new wealth Shaikh All ought to
                   be able to do so too.     I suppose the bedouin
                   are far too grand to Join tho polico?     And
                   in any case the work involved would be too much
                   for them und they would bo us useless in it as
                   they are in uny other purpose?     It is possible
                   that a few might be absorbed in the now Sharjah
                   Leviesj but the money sanctioned for them
                   allows so few recruits that this is a negli­
                   gible consideration.    Doubtless you will see
                   tl]at your replacement during leave is fully
                   briofod ofl the Zubarah question, and particular­
                   ly on this aspect of it.
                                        Yours sincorely,

                 A.J. Wilton, Esq.,
                 Political Officor (Qatar)  >
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