Page 462 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 462

450                        Records of Bahrain

                                     4.   While no doubt this would not commend
                                     itself to Ghnilch All, both the Adviser and
                                     I fool that Shaikh Gulnian lius advanced ciuito
                                     a lot in hie thinking in that he apparently
                                     no longer regards Zubarah ue oo vital
                                      a matter ao lie did say 10 months ago or oo
                                      and that u settlement oan therefore be
                                      regarded ao that much noarcr, or, perhaps wo
                                      should suy, less impossible. The Advisor
                                      considero that the Zubarah dioput.e nov/ only
                                      roully exiotu in the mind of Ghaikh Sulman
                                      himself. The root of tho A1 Khalifa v/fculd
                                      bo quite prepared to compromise in order
                                      to roach a settlement, and he himself would
                                      very much like to eoe a comploto burying
                                      of the hutchet because he feels that the
                                     dispute does more ham to Bahrain than it
                                      does to Qatar, However mildly the Ruler
                                      did take the Adviser's intervention, the time
                                      doeo not eoem quite-ripe yet for the
                                      effecting of a settlement - but tho Ruler
                                      of Bahrain's foelings about the matter have
                                      obviously become a good deal milder.

                                                         (C. A. Gault)
                                                        January 12t 1956,
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