Page 461 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 461

Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949   449

      CONFIDENTIAL               Tho Adviser tolls mo that recently,
                            at tho suggestion of Shaikh Abdulla the
                            Ruler's unoloj ho broached with the Ruler
                            the questIon.of ending the "quarrel" between
                            him*., the Ruler, and the Ruler of Qatar about
                            2, W1 len Shaikh Ahmed of Qatar, Shaikh
                            All's oon, paoood ..through Bahrain in tho
                            oummor on his way book to Qatar the Ruler
                           . of Bahrain received him well and gave him
                            throe motor earn. At the same timo the
                            Advloor io pretty certain-that in reply to
                            an invitation by Shaikh All to vioit Qatar
                            tho Ruler of Bahrain gave a vague acceptanoe,
                            which, however vague, wao otill an acceptance
                            and wao taken ao ouch by Shaikh Aimed. After
                            hia return to Qatar preparations were made
                            there for a vioit by Shaikh Sulman and
                            when that did not materialise tho Qataris
                            wore correspondingly disappointed. . The
                            Advisor started his interview by discussing
                            this question of tho Ruler of Bahrain's
                            oo-oallod proposed vioit to Qatar and said
                            ho thought it would have been an excellent
                            thing ao a means of ending the dispute
                            over Zubarah.
                            3.   Tho Ruler's reaction was not, as lias
                            always been the caoo in the past, when
                            Zubarah was mentioned, one of angry protest
                            that Zubarah wao his and nothing to do with
                            the Qataris. Instead ho troated the whole
                            matter with a completely cvon temper and
                            said that he liked Shaikh Aimed and had
                            nothing against Shaikh All, though some
                            othoro (presumably of the A1 Thnni family)
                            disliked him. He made the excuse, which
                             the Advioer regarded ao si very lame, that
                            if lie had gOne. to Qatar it would have cost
                            him at least 10 lakhs of rupees in presents
                            and he did not feel ho could pay out that
                            amount of money. As the Advioer said thio,
                            for Shaikh Sulman, was a very lame excuse
                            and rather went to indicate that Shaikh
                            Sulman felt rather ohamarfaced about having
                             indlcatod thut he might visit Qatar and
                             then not having done 30. However he did
                             say that tho stumbling block now to a
                             reconciliation between him and the Ruler
                             of Qatar wao only a question of "authority"
                             - tho Arabic word he used was "suits". What
                             tho Adviser understood the Ruler to moan by
                             this was that if Shaikh All wore to leavo
                            ' Zubarah entirely alone and not put any
                             guards on it, ao I boliovc he does at
                            present, although outside tho Zubarah fort
                             and Aot in it and somo little distance from
                             the fort, Shaikh Sulman would-regard tho
                            matter as closed. The Adviser's understanding
                             io that nowadays very few Bahrainis vioit
                             Zubarah, and these only a few of tho
                             immediate followers of tho Ruler. Shaikh
                             Sulman*o view apparently is thuti these
                             people should not be subject to Qatar's
                            .jurisdiction, in the shape of a p,pi iceman
                             sitting in the neighbourhood of tho fort
                           , ut Zubarah, when they go over there
                                                                 V 4.
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