Page 458 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 458

446                       Records of Bahrain

                       as yearning to return thuru, now want to go tack.
                       This somewhat comic situation Gheikli Salman la, not
                       unnaturally, not prepared to admit,     Banco the luck
                       of emphasis on the second stipulation and concentra­
                       tion on the first.    The shaikh derided tho Qatar
                       request that 1 should confirm that the ,,rostrictiouB,,
                       on Qatur should bo removed, etc.
                       13.     On the 2.3rd of February, I wrote again to tho
                       Shaikh of Qatar asking that Miff his people should bo
                       withdrawn from the fort, pointing out that "this
                       matter of the removal of only two men is in itself
                       a email matter and the presence or absence of only
                       two watchmen should not ho allowed to prejudice a set­
                       tlement between two countries.     On hearing from Your
                       Excellency that those two men huvo toen removed 1 will
                       ask the Shaikh of Bahrain to carry out his promise that
                       o^ily ?.f> transit duos should ho levied on goods for
                       t ator."   I went on "You will appreciate that in return
                        or the removal of two men you aio In offact receiving
                       a concession worth thousands of pounds."     On this
                       occasion also I wrote to for. Wilton asking him verbally
                       to ro-inforce my demand , and was again thanks to his
                        efforts and to Your Excellency's intervention that
                        tho Shaikh removed the two watchmen from the fort leaving
                        the door locked und the won living in a tent nearby.
                       Of thio ho informed wo in a letter dated the 6th of
                        14.   .Tho second crisis in tills mutter soemod to me
                        to arise when Mr. Belgravu sent mo a draft proclamation
                        which I thought it would he Innocuous if issued in the
                        following form*

                               "We, Gulman bin Hamad j»1 tthullfoh, ttuler of
                                Bahrain, order the enactment of the following
                                                                      ViZ., l3t
                                From the dalu of this proclamation  j
                                Jurnutf Al Thuny 1369
                                1.  Our Order contained in Proclamation Mo.
                                28/1368 dated 21st Jumud A'l Thuny 1368, on
                                tho subject of travelling to Qatar, is hereby
                                cancelled. There is therefore no objection
                                to our subjects travailing to Qatar.
                                2.  Hone of our subjects may proceed to £uV«arah
                                without first, os In tho past, receiving per­
                                mission from us.
                                    this bo known,"

                        It waa issued on the 21st of March, 1960, and the local
                        bazaar immediately lucerne full of rumours which spread
                        all over the lularid 11...I tho Jhalkh of Bahrain had "won
                        his oase over Autarch" which lul .lit have meant (depending
                        upon the hearers Interest in the mutter) anything from
                        our admission of Bahrein sovereignty over Z.ubarah. to our
                         consent to its occupation by force by the Al Khalifuh*
                         Few people appreciate what is involved in "tribul rights"
                         and of course they arc so vugue that the loopholes for

                                                          wishful ........

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