Page 469 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 469
Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949 457
CONFIDKHTI AT.. British Agency,
ii/i»3/5o. 30t)i October, 1950.
Ao instructed in your lottor C/Q222 of 11th
Octobor/brouchcd the question of Zubaru in a very gen- ’
oral way.
2, Salih A1 Mana1 woo udamant in saying .that no
building ohould toko placo, even rebuilding of the
Mosque at Zubara, Ho oaid uloo that those pooplo who
are now in the district liv.o not in Zubara itself but
in two or three small villugco oomo distance away.
They are, he added, interested only in finding food for
their animals and are constantly on the move.
3. There would hence seem little Justification
for rebuilding the moocpio except for Friday prayers. If
noono goco there »now thero would oooin no reason why the
prosont state of affairs ohould not continue for some
timo at least, I do not think thul the Uulor will
hold un ©PPCjltc v^ew, but if you wish I will return to
the subject and ooe if I euhnot cliungc opinions. The
Huler himoclf is shy of the subject but could bo drawn
i. Lflu/t ^
at a suitablo opportunity^’
0. J. .Polly, lijsq., O.B. 13.,
II.M.' political Agent,