Page 474 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 474

462                        Records of Bahrain

                                      T                          2
                    ,-J iJ :>L_rJ I   L, i— o I          HI8 UaJosLy's Government
              ^ 4 jU>V I o_L Li—L-»w Lv^<— VIo—*   have reason to believe that the :>audl
                       1 j_> e ...114. ,*^aJ | L ^S!*J I  Arablun Government huvo hud brought
                                            UJ*    to their attention the recent opera­
                   u----- •• jv
                     0—4/   yJ I .L-Jc iJ)  - v^'Ur  tions of thu Bahrain Petroleum Company
                                                   on the Kusht hu Gaufah.  They would
                                                   therefore llko to make their position
                     r         i—4 O * O J-f*4
                    5—.ySUJJ ewJJI IJ___           cloor regarding this shoal to the
                   <—i_j. i L   ..J L   I 3—- y — 11  Gaudl Aral lan Government In a frunk
                                                   and friendly manner,   Tills 3l.oal Is
                       I 1 a.. h ^ I * 3. . j ^—4 «J j
                                                   claimed by Ills Highness the Ghullch of
             0—4/*^ l Cr~~~~ y*—»* J—t* O—•  *3 O—»**—i
                                                   hohruln uud Is clearly Included In
                    1 cs-^y-^ J/         j'lj L-f
                       « J—*5   sJ I ^ j—lb) I j j j—>J |  the Islands and reefs whose status
                          3_Jjl—»J1 v              lila Majesty's Government, offered to
                VjL>w pi ij JJIvdjj 1 tr 1     1   dlscusa In 10:39, which offer the
                    • <-..-1* L j j—I i—13 •   |   iiaudl Arublun Government did not reply
                                                   to.   Ills Majesty's Government* have
                                                   no Intention whatsoever of taking
                j—J .«p j I J L>wl J qj \S L.4. p
                                                   uny uctiori to prejudice the status
                               j j I v^llll ll.>
                                                   of tills shoal or the division of the

                      is I    'Cr-ir* !r  Jl«d     soo-bod.   They arc ready to discuss   \
                                                   tlioso subjects ut uny time.  They
                    Cr~* y-f ^ o • O y j-i (—My
                                                  . suggest liiut no obstacle sliouia bo
                                                   placed in the way of thu Bahrain
                  0-4/    ^Jli.__ ii 3_f  * fl-t-5
                 i—• j—£—*- o I j  ^XJI Jl-----a*L<  Petroleum Company's proceeding with
                                                   exploratory work.   Ills tlujosty's
                HsJj----             I      lo’U   Govurument ussu i*e the Saudi Arabian
                    3—>*+S cj If *-JLj—L> ij   J ».,<o    Government tlwit the coritlnnatlon
                       *»1 11<>—* 04/**^ ^   Lu pJ L» y—J  of these operations will not be used
                                                   In uny way as an argument In favour
                                                   of Llio cluim of Bahrain to the shoe 1
                     1*        ^ ji‘ I ^ IsaI I yj j
                                                   in question.
                               * o*i—f-4 d j 3aJ UJI
                                                               Usual ending.
                                                            Hgd. c..r. Polly.
                                                           II.lull's Political. Agent.
                    *     I (jl iC IlijJ 6Jj vl) I Uwu

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