Page 473 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 473
The dispute over Fasht Bit Saaja 461
• .‘^>^11 I j [ I j 1 j
l • o-JI/^ jj----------- • No.C/L-4013. POLITICAL AGLNCY i
Oth November, 1949.
' I v 11 F*** WI l ^ ^ ^ 1 ^
—o- Jl To
111c Highness Shaikh Sir Sulmun
*-->• La lJ I J**>> piJ V I jjS* V I 4j-k*-
bln Hamad A.l Khullfuh, K.C.I.K.,
(.;•«*' I JL*> ^ vj LJLm^y»M ££JLJ I^4.J I
I I j5"L». jl HuIgt of Bahrain.
»iL y p£>w> v>* J 1^1—J Ij ^)LJI j-a^ Aftor Complimentsi
• f LJuj ^Txji i^h 1 huvo the honour to address
Your Highness on tho subject of Fusht
U~b* Jj-*~ (?r—* cl> * ^ ^ ^
^1—*J lix. ^ J <1 Bu Cnufuh and to remind you of tho
I J—ft i J I 1—Af, :»1 I Ci.| J I doubtful nature of the Bahrein claims
to this shoal us agreed between His
c^Jcl l—To. JL.i)l
Britannic Majesty's Political Agent
Cnj*^ \ •— y 3 5 ; L-L^-J 15-Jj jl-J I
tr>»« 11 ,.m Ij..«JI ^ and the Bahrain Government In the
corrospondonco ending with the Ad-
vlser to the Bah rain Govorni.mnt1 s
T ir_t •
memorandum No.243-20, dated the 19th
i !/v cj V I
February, 1942. 1 am further to
?■ ■- IO I jU'iui
Inform you that Ills Llujesty's Govern
4 I >UJ I ___ J—• J—-£>- L'j I—( Li-----i I
ment believe thut tho Saudi Arabian
*—^xj—I *—* j—£■■ u 4
u .. cl I ^1—1 j 1 L Jj- 1 Uoveruiuont are ubout to make a clulm
I IJ. v •kj 4 to this shoal und in uccox'duuco wi th
Your Highness* provlous understanding
lx l—*J I j—ft l—o ^—1* * L_i< j
with His toujosty's Government 11. may
J—* 4—JM---- >J |y»>■!
be necessary for your cluliu to bo
3 O I ^ J J J—^ * o-
withdrawn If that of tho Saudi Arabian
\S j—c J C'«,.2f* IJ 1 1 p^lj —x J.
Government proves stronger.
• I- jJ* I ij J I IL jn .1*>J I
2. 1 am ulso to Inform Your
• T
A*- * O I K *
Highness that His Majesty's Government
JJ^—>J I L. i-< ^ 4 _)*•*«
arc making a communication to tho
^IvU^-cH-w *LJ
— ^J bJ I o-^J | L Jj-a----- 11 J—I Saudi Arabian Government as followsi