Page 475 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 475
The dispute over Fasht Bu Saaja 463
Confidential. Political Agency
Bahrain, j
WO.C/I.-406. 9th November, 1949.
The Chief Local Representative,
Bahrain Petroleum Company Ltd.,
Dear Sir
I ain instructed by His Excellency the Political
Resident in tho Persian Gulf to inform you that I have
addressed Ills Highness the Shaikh of Bahrain regarding
the Fasht Hu Baafah as indicated in the letter to His
Highness No.C/L-406 of to-day's date a copy of which
1 oncloso.
2. I aim ulao to remind you of the communication re
garding the shoal, in question (and Aahira) made to you
in Political Agent, Bahrain's letter No. C/1'190-10/14,
dated the 22nd Docomber, 1941.
3. I urn further to say that in the light of those com
munications it is for your eompuny to decide whether to
continue for the time being with your work ut Fasht Bu
Baafah or not. In regard to it you will recognise that
circumstances may have changed in the considerable period
since His tonjusty's Government gave cor.diLionel approval t.o
your operations on that shoal and it is suggested that it
may not be wise for your eompuny in its own interest to
incur expenditure in a place which it may well have t.o sur
Yours faithfully,
, ’Jgd. C.J, Polly,' s Political Agont.