Page 477 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 477
The dispute over Fasht Du Saafa 465
I2th. tlovambar, 1949.
\U\ IT ^ ^Ml
Hla Hlghnoso Shaikh Sir Salman bln Hamad Al-Khalifa, X.C.Z.E.,
Buie r of Bahrain, J • v I • • J a*lA Jl m** Ch uU.
Bahrain, fiifUalOHlti C*j*——
jL-Wl c
• y>L lj
After Oraatlngai
Tha Bahrain Patrolaum Company Llmltad has
received from hie Hlghnaaa Sa'udlhn 'Abdullah £?/ar. «s
lba JUuwly Amir of tha Diatrlot of Hasa, o>U ch> Uf >1 -VI w-il Vu
Saudi Arabia, a latur Informing tha Coapany cUU ub O^Xll C-JI L*LU* -|
that eartaln oroae In vhloh tha Company has
, «>/> V* V *>JI cjtf oMl
baas operating are part of tha tarrltory of tha Olil, tf^UI ur ^J^l 1*^1 liQl ^i,i
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and dlraotlng tha JW. mIi V c/I, VU ^fcl^l Sj j J-JTA
Coapany to ooaaa operations in thooo araaa ah • tuji DXf. o« Jji oijJ .ajii uC
ImsdiaUly and not to undertake any similar Xb J J* C*JT U*» Ul«*< MdU
oparatlona without daflnlta poraisalon from > c* J ns urtr Jff'lifell
Hit Hajaaty, tha King of Saudi Arabia. A oUOl aJLa. • ajj o* Ujr «Zui
photoatatlo oopy of the latter It anoloeed
herewith, together with tha Company'* two
letters In reply. Thaae latter* In reply J 9 j'"
tVeat separately the Company'■ aotivltiee on
Jfflrat Arabl and tha Company'■ oparatlona Aj| «.UUJI J , flwh# al>Ut Ullj UjL
areas vhloh lour Hlghnaaa haa, by lattar
tflltod 27th, Saptanbar, 1949, and otharvlaa, CS-wS
inform** tha Bahrain Patrolaum Company are
With in'lour Hlghnaaa' domain and in uhloh
area* .four Hlghnaaa requeated tha Coapany I Ul/»l JJb fy4Xj UU^J li*
%o proceed In aonordanoa with lta rights and • aji ^ fxji
pbllgatlona undar Its oonoaaalon agreements
with Tour Highness.
^luJ. Jl vJ^All UJ
Wa have tha honour to be,
four Hlghnaaa' Obedlsnt Servants, 3 J, 4—**JI *ff—6
ORIGINAL SIGNED BY: • Oi'm * f1 • i1 Jt» *> c*i
R. M. Brown.
H. M. BRCWt.’ • * 6I1* ’ f* * i1